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This page shows external partners that are available in X5. You can search for an item using the box below.

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Code Name
4WARD 4ward Futures
ANSISS A N Sinha Institute of Social Sciences
A3AAA A3 Aprofitament Assessorament Ambiental
AALTOUNI Aalto University
AARHUSUN Aarhus University
AARHUS Aarhus University Hospital
ABERUNI Aberystwyth University
ACCELMAT Accelerated Materials Ltd
AAU Addis Ababa University
AAUA Adekunle Ajasin University
AETOSENS AetoSense Ltd
ABUAD Afe Babalola University
AFGREU Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit
CEAPCMT African Center of Excellence for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
CEAITECH African Center of Excellence in Biotechnical Innovation for the Elimination of Vector-Borne Diseases
AFRICPGR African Institute for Crime, Policy and Governance Research
APHRC African Population & Health Research Center
AUDANEPA African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
AV African Voices
AGAKHAN Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi
ARRA Agency for Refugees and Returnees Affair
AGUNICE Agricultural University of Iceland
AGRISHEL Agrishelter
AIMES AIMES Management Services Ltd
AMUNI Aix-Marseilles University
AKSARUNI Aksaray University
AKSUMUNI Aksum University
ALAMAL Al Amal Association
ALAZHAR Al-Azhar University
ALQUDS Al-Quds University
TURING Alan Turing Institute
ALDERHEY Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
AWIHZPM Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung
ALGAECYT Algaecytes Ltd
ASRL All Street Research Ltd
ALLIANCE Alliance Healthcare (Private) Limited
AMAZONDO Amazon Doors
AUD Ambedkar University Delhi
AUAF American University of Afghanistan
AUB American University of Beirut
AMPTHER Amphista Therapeutics Limited
AUMC Amsterdam University Medical Centre
ANAERO Anaero Technology Limited
RUSKIN Anglia Ruskin University
APHA Animal and Plant Health Agency
AHT Animal Health Trust
AHVLA Animal Health Veterinary Laboratories Agency
AFREUD Anna Freud Centre
APARITO Aparito Limited
ARCHLINK Archaeolink
UIT Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø)
ARDHIUNI Ardhi University, Tanzania
ARGEMBUK Argentine Embassy to the UK
AHRINST Armauer Hansen Research Institute
AFRIMS Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences
ARTGLO Art and Global Health Centre Africa
ARTOUNIV Artois University
ASHUNI Ashoka University
AIT Asian Institute of Technology
AFC Associates for Change Ghana Ltd
AAUGANDA Association of Anesthesiologists of Uganda (AAU)
ADPH Association of Directors of Public Health
REACH Association of Resource and Education for Autistic Children (Lions REACh)
ASTONUNI Aston University
AMU Ateneo de Manila University
IDIBAPS August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute
ANU Australian National University
AUSACASC Austrian Academy of Sciences
AUTISMEU Autism Europe
UABCAT Autonomous University of Barcelona
AUTONOMY Autonomy Research Limited
MALAGACC Ayuntamiento de Malaga
BMLB Baalbeck Municipality (BM)
BOLYAI Babes-Bolyai University
BAB Babraham Institute
BAHIRDAR Bahir Dar University [Ethiopia]
BWS Balkani Wildlife Society
BAMGESU Bambino Gesu Hospital
BANUNI Banaras Hindu University
BANDUNG Bandung Institute of Technology
BSMMU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
BUHS Bangladesh University of Health Sciences
BANGOR Bangor University
BARUNI Bar Ilan University
BIGH Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal
BARDC Bard College
BARTSNHS Barts Health NHS Trust
BATHSPA Bath Spa University
LGL Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety
BUK Bayero University Kano
BAYLORCM Baylor College of Medicine
BITEAM Behavioural Insights Ltd
BEIJCHHO Beijing Chest Hospital
BNUNI Beijing Normal University
BTDRI Beijing Transportation Development Research Institute
BGUAC Ben-Gurion University
BERKNHSF Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
BETHLEM Bethlem Museum of the Mind
BIOBULL BioBullets Ltd
BIOFLTD Biofidelity Ltd
BIOGAS Biogas International Limited (BIL)
BII Bioinformatics Institute
BRTI Biomedical Research and Training Institute
BIOMILL Biomillenia
ASTARBTI Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A Star Research Entities
BIRDLIFE Bird Life International
BCH Birmingham Children's Hospital
BCUNI Birmingham City University
BIRZUNI Birzeit University
BITFOUNT Bitfount Ltd
BINS Blantyre Institute of Neurological Sciences Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital
BOETECH BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd
BOGORUNI Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
BOSUNI Boston University
BVARI Boston VA Research Institute
BOTCOAG Botswana College of Agriculture
BITRI Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI)
BIUST Botswana International University of Science & Technology BIUST
BOURNUNI Bournemouth University
BDCT Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust
BTHNHSFT Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
CEBRAP Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning
BWH Brigham and Women's Hospital Inc
BAS British Antarctic Survey
BASW British Association of Social Workers
BRITFPG British Foreign Policy Group
BRITFUT British Future
BGS British Geological Survey
BIEA British Institute in Eastern Africa
BRITLIB British Library
BRITMUSE British Museum
BSRUK British School at Rome
BTO British Trust for Ornithology
BROBYBOW Bromley by Bow Centre
BROWNUNI Brown University
BRUKBIO Bruker BioSpin GmbH
BRUNEL Brunel University
BULGEOSO Bulgarian Geographical Society
BUSHEAL Business for Health CIC
CAENUNIH Caen University Hospital
CAFDBLA CAF Development Bank of Latin America
CALIVART Cambodian Living Arts
CAMACORN Cambridge Acorn Project
CAMAIH Cambridge AI Health Ltd
CPFT Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
CCTU Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit - CUH
CCI Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination
CAMBENT Cambridge Enterprise Ltd
CAMGLYCO Cambridge Glycoscience Ltd
CHICLTD Cambridge Healthcare Imaging Consulting Ltd
CAMBIMPL Cambridge Implants Limited
CISLSA Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership South Africa
CAMEDTEC Cambridge Medical Technologies Limited
CAMBPHEN Cambridge Phenotyping Ltd
PLASTICS Cambridge Smart Plastics Ltd
CUHNHSFT Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
CAMBSBPI CambridgeBPI Limited
CCSNHST Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
CBCHS Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services
CAMNEXUS Camnexus Ltd
CANARY Canary Center at Stanford University
MALAYSIA Cancer Research Malaysia
CRUKBEAT Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute
CANNING Canning House
CLA Care Leavers' Association
CMU Carnegie Mellon University
CATICA Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology
CUE Catholic University in Erbil
UCBUKAVU Catholic Univresity of Bukavu
CEI CEI Global
CENFRI CENFRI (Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion)
KANAGAWA Center for Asian Studies, Kanagawa University
CRDTTUD Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden TU Dresden
CREHPA Center for Research on Environment, Health and Population Activities
CNWLNHS Central and Northwest London NHS Trust
CESQFO Central Square Foundation
CREAF Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals
CEH Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
CGPS Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance
CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation
CFGE Centre for Global Equality
CIFOR Centre for International Forestry Research
CLS Centre for Lebanese Studies
CMC Centre for Mother and Child
CPILTD Centre for Process Innovation Limited
CRFILMT Centre for Research on Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases
CSBC Centre for Social and Behaviour Change (Delhi)
CMB Centre Marc Bloch
MURAZ Centre Muraz Burkina Faso
CEDBCAM Centre of Expertise and Biological Diagnostics of Cameroon
CIESAS Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
CNACC Centro Nacional de Arte Contemporaneo Cerrillos
CNIC Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC)
SHEBAMED Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer
CHALMERS Chalmers University of Technology
CDFGALAP Charles Darwin Foundation Galapagos Islands
CUNICZ Charles University Prague
CWMT Charlie Waller Trust
CHATHAM Chatham House
CWNHSFT Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
CHEVSCHO Chevening Scholarships
CHIBAUNI Chiba University
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
CYPMHC Children & Young People's Mental Health Coalition
CHEORI Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
CHOP Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
CAAS Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
CHINACDC Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CHINHOYI Chinhoyi University of Technology
CHONNAM Chonnam National University
CMCH Christian Medical College
UNIKIEL Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel
TCNHSFT Christie NHS Foundation Trust
CHUAMIEN CHU Amiens-Picardie
CHURCHES Churches Conservation Trust
CIRC Circularity Pte. Ltd
CITYOFCT City of Cape Town
CITY City University of London
CLALIT Clalit Research Institute
CCLEMENT Clare Clement
CRUN Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro
CLNINE Cloudnine Hospital
CIMSCOL Colchester and Ipswich Museums Colchester City Council
CSSR Collective for Social Science Research
CGCE Collective of Critical Geography of Ecuador
STU Colorado State University
COLRUYT Colruyt Group
COLUMBIA Columbia University
CUIMD Columbia University Irving Medical Center
COMDEALL Communication DEALL
CSACATA Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult
TRENTO Comune di Trento
CONICET CONICET/Universidad de Buenos Aires
CMAOTS Consejeria de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación del Territorio y Sostenibilidad
CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Research Council)
CNIT Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CORAMBAF Coram Academy Limited t/a CoramBAAF
CORN Cornell University
COURCORR CourtCorrect Ltd
COVESTRO Covestro Deutschland AG
CRAN Cranfield University
CRISTORE Cristo Redentor Hospital
CSIR-CRI CSIR - Crops Research Institute
CULTAVEN Cultural Avenue
CEZA Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH
CZECHGLO CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
DSDL Dartington Service Design Lab
DARTCOL Dartmouth College
DATSCIAF Data Science Africa
DAYONE Day One Srl
DMU De Montfort University
DEAKIN Deakin University, Australia
DEKIUNI Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
DASHAHAT Department of Antiquities Shahat Libya
DEPANTIQ Department of Antiquities Tripoli Libya
DHMS Department of Hyrdo Met Services
LAWBUP Department of Law Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
DMA Developing Markets Associates Global (DMA)
DAGORG Development Action Group
DIAMEDIC Diamedica UK Limited
DIGITASK Digital Task Force for Planning
DILLAUNI Dilla University Institute of Education & Behavioural Science
DGALEB Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) Lebanon
DGHSBANG Directorate General of Health Services, Government of Bangladesh
DIRANTIQ Directorate of Antiquities Iraq
DAG Discover Africa Group
DOCTORS Doctors for You
DOKUZ Dokuz Eylül University
DCHFTNHS Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
DOTIAU Dotiau Ltd
DROPTECH Drop-Tech Ltd
DCU Dublin City University
DUKEUNI Duke University
DPOPTICS Durham Precision Optics
EIF Early Intervention Foundation
EFEO École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)
ENSLYON École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
ENSPARIS École Normale Supérieure Paris
EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
ECOSTACK Ecostack Innovations Limited
NAPIER Edinburgh Napier University
EFINA EFInA (Enhancing Financial Innovation & Access)
EMCAIRO Egyptian Museum Cairo
EIFFAGE Eiffage Infraestructuras SA
TUE Eindhoven University of Technology
EMM Emmanuel College
EMORYUNI Emory University
ENAMINE Enamine Limited Liability Company
ENDOSYS Endoenergy Systems Limited
EFLUNI English and Foreign Language University
HERITAGE English Heritage Society
ENHGENOM Enhanc3D Genomics Ltd
ENTOBIOS Entomics Biosystems Ltd t/a Better Origin
XDZ Environmental Protection Institute of Xi’an High-tech Zone
EPSOMNHS Epsom and St Helier University NHS Hospital Trust
ERSMC ERASMUS Medical Centre
ETHIOATA Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency
ECDD Ethiopian Center for Disability & Development
EDRI Ethiopian Development Research Institute
EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agriculture
EURODEUT Europarc Deutschland
EUROPARC Europarc Federation
EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
IEO European Institute of Oncology (Instituto Europeo di ONcologia)
EUROMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
ESO European Southern Observatory
ETCUMA European Topic Centre University of Malaga
EVITE Everyone's Invited
EVIDENCE Evidence Aid
EVORALIS Evoralis Limited
MANSOURA Faculty of Agriculture Mansoura University
FAITHBEL Faith and Belief Forum
FAIYUM Faiyum Antiquities Inspectorate Department
CARLBEST Fandazione IRCCS Istituto Neuroligico Carlo Besta
FEDMEDCT Federal Medical Centre Yenagoa
FRBNY Federal Reserve Bank of New York
UNIFEI Federal University of Itajuba
UFMGBR Federal University of Minas Gerais
FUNIPARA Federal University of Pará
UFPB Federal University of Paraiba
UFPEL Federal University of Pelotas
FEEBRIS Feebris Ltd
FERAL Feral Ventures Limited
FERNUNI Fern Universitat
FMNH Field Museum of Natural History
FIELDR Field Ready Inc
SYKE Finnish Environment Institute Suomen ympäristökeskus
FIRSTAID First Aid Africa
FILIMAG First Light Imaging SAS
ANB Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest
FLOREYIN Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
FLUPHARM Fluid Pharma Ltd
FINISTEC Fobang Instiutes for Innovation in Science and Technology
FOMTECH FOM Technologies
HUMTECH Fondazione Human Technopole
FONDMICH Fondazione Michelangelo Onlus
FAOUN Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
FOODFOUN Food Foundation
FOREST Forest Research
OSINFOR Forestry and Wildlife Supervision Agency
FCGHANA Forestry Commission of Ghana
FORSCOMM Forster Lamond Limited t/a Forster Communications
FP Foster & Partners
FCI Francis Crick Institute
FHCRC Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre
FREEICE Free Ice Cream Ltd
FUB Freie Universitat Berlin
ONERA French Aerospace Lab ONERA
FAU Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
FSD Frontier School Division
FSDA FSDA (Financial Sector Development Africa)
FSDU FSDU (Financial Sector Deepening Uganda)
FULLSC Fullscope
FFGB Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez
GLOSHACO Fundación Global Shapers Córdoba
MUSMAR Fundacion Museo del Mar Museu Marino de Margarita
FUNCAVID Fundación un Cambio por la Vida (FUNCAVID)
FUTOBS Future Observatory
GCT Galapagos Conservation Trust
GWCT Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
GAROUA Garoua Regional Hospital Cameroon
GR2L Gas Recovery & Recycle Ltd
GU Gauhati University
GCRO Gauteng City-Region Observatory
GENDERAL Gender Alliance
GENALLUK Genetic Alliance UK
GENOENG Genomics England Limited
GEOMAT Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd
GEOTECH Georgia Institute of Technology
GEOSPAT Geospatial Insight Limited
GIGA German Institute for Global Area Studies
GHSRDD Ghana Health Service Research and Development Division
GWS Ghana Wildlife Society
GIDDYART GiddyUp Art Studio LLC
GSKR&D GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Ltd
GLENSIDE Glenside Hospital Museum
GAP Global Action Plan
INNOFORU Global Innovation Forum Ltd
GLOBSHAP Global Shapers
GOLARNP Gola Rainforest National Park
CGREG Governing Council of the Galapagos
IHEID Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
TUGRAZ Graz University of Technology
GYROS Great Yarmouth Refugee & Outreach Support GYROS
EKBYWC Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY)
GREENREC Greenback Recycling Technologies Ltd
GRIFFUNI Griffith University
GRASBF Groupe de Recherche-Action en Santé
GESMUJER Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer Rosario Castellanos
GULUUNI Gulu University
GSTHOSP Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital
HANCHAML HancockHamlin Ltd
HARVDMED Harvard Medical School
HARVD Harvard University
HAWASSA Hawassa University - Ethiopia
EASTAHSN Health Innovation East
HSA Health Services Academy
HEALTECH Health Tech Enterprise Limited
HWATCAMB Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CIC
HRTLUNG Heart and Lung Imaging Limited
HUJI Hebrew University of Jerusalem
HEIDEUNI Heidelberg University
HELMHOLT Helmholtz Zentrum München
HZB Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
HWUNI Heriot-Watt University
HPFTNHS Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
HERWA Herwa Community Development Initiative
HIGHTECH High Tech High Graduate School of Education
HILLTOP Hill Top Surgery Oldham
HIROUNI Hiroshima University
HISTENG Historic England
HRP Historic Royal Palaces
HMCOURT HM Court and Tribunals Service
HOMERTON Homerton College
POLYU Hong Kong Polytechnic University
HOPIT HoPiT Research Group, Yaounde
HCLISBON Hospital Centre of Central Lisbon
MATERNO Hospital Materno-Infantil, National Health Fund
HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institute
HTGMOLE HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.
HUSTEDU Huazhong University of Science and Technology
HUEMED Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy
HUGHES Hughes Hall Cambridge
HSRCSA Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa
HIORG Humanity and Inclusion (Handicap International)
HNYCA Humber & North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance
HUMBUNI Humboldt University of Berlin
HUNTLIB Huntington Library
HYDROGEN Hydrogenify Ltd
I3S i3S Institute for Research and Innovation in Health
IBSCGE IBS Center for Genome Engineering
ISMMS Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ICONPLC ICON Pharmaceuticals
ITACEC Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi, Centre of Education and Consciousness
IFAKARA Ifakara Health Institute
IHEDELFT IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
IPOL Image Processing on Line
ICHNHS Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
ICL Imperial College London
IMUUNI IMU University
INADES Inades-Formation
IIHS Indian Institute for Human Settlements
IIMA Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
IIOS Indian Institute of Science
IISC Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore Karnataka
IISERK Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER-K)
IISERTVM Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram
IITB Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
IITD Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
IITGN Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
IITM Indian Institute of Technology Madras
INDIASHA Indian Speech and Hearing Association
INDIUNI Indiana University Bloomington
ICAR Indican Council for Agricultural Research
CEPIADET Indigenous Professional Centre for Advice, Defence and Translation
BMKG Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics
INFDISIN Infectious Diseases Institute
INFORM Information Network Focus on Religious Movements INFORM
INKSWIT Ink & Switch
INNATE Innate Repairs Ltd
IMU Inner Mongolia University
INOVA Inova Health Care Services
IMFCSIC Institución Milá y Fontanals de investigación en Humanidades
IFAO Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale
JACMONOD Institut Jacques Monod
INRB Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale
INALCO Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
INSA Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse (National Institute for Applied Sciences)
IPDAKAR Institut Pasteur de Dakar
INSTPAST Institut Pasteur France
IPGUIANA Institut Pasteur Guiana
IES Institute for Employment Studies
IFMR Institute for Financial Management and Research (India)
IFS Institute for Fiscal Studies
IFIR Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (Private) Limited
INSTMEIN Institute for Methods Innovation
IRPAD Institute for Research and Promotion of Alternatives in Development
ISS Institute for Security Studies
IRTA Institute of Agrifood Research & Technology
IOBCAS Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ICR Institute of Cancer Research
IDMBLS Institute of Development Management (BLS)
IDS Institute of Development Studies
IEGINDIA Institute of Economic Growth
IEDCRB Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research Bangladesh
IEMCAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech Academy of Sciences
IFT Institute of Family Therapy
IGBMC Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology
IHRUHAS Institute of Health Research at the University of Health and Allied Sciences
IHV Institute of Health Visiting
IHVN Institute of Human Virology Nigeria
IIDBD Institute of Informatics and Development (Bangladesh)
ISTI-CNR Institute of Information Science & Technologies, Italian NRC
IPMCCNRS Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
INUMHCSI Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante
INSTOPT Institute of Optics Graduate School
IOZ Institute of Zoology
IPC Instituto do Patrimonio Cultural
INS Instituto Nacional de Saude
INETER Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales INETER
ICNARC Intensive Care national Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC)
IAHPC International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
ICCCAD International Centre for Climate Change and Development
ICDDRB International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research
ICAGROFO International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
ICIPE International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IIMCB International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw
IISG International Institute of Social History
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
KRIVI International Vaccine Institute (RoK)
IMEC Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre
INTSEMI Intrinsic Semiconductor Technologies Limited
SANRAF IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital (Ospedale San Raffaele)
IREC IREC - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research
ILCLM Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum
ISKRA Iskra Innovation & Experimental Lab
ISLSHAF Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation
ANGLCC Isle of Anglesey County Council
ISLINGBC Islington Borough Council
ISTABU Istanbul Bilgi University
IITEC Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IIT
ISWEFOUN ISWE Foundation Ltd
JLAB Jackson Laboratory (USA)
JAGIEUNI Jagiellonian University
HUTTON James Hutton Institute
JANSSEN Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.
JCIE Japan Center for International Exchange
JNUNI Jawaharlal Nehru University
JEANPIAG Jean Piaget University Guinea Bissau
JECCDO Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organisation
JESUS Jesus College
JGUM Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
JHU John Hopkins University
JICTR John Innes Centre
JRCEC Joint Research Centre European Commission
JOKUAT Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
JV Joost Verhaggen
KADIRHAS Kadir Has University
KRT Kalahari Research Trust
KALCONS Kaleidoscope Consultants Limited
KUHES Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
KARLIFT Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
KAROLINS Karolinska Institute
KASETSAR Kasetsart University
KATHMED Kathmandu Medical College
KATHUNI Kathmandu University
KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
KFF Kelp Forest Foundation
KEMRIWTR KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
KIPRE Kenya Institute of Primate Research
KMRI Kenya Medical Research Institute
KALRO Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute
KENYATTA Kenyatta University
KNMU Kharkiv National Medical University
KGHOSP King George Hospital Visakhapatnam
KCHNHSFT King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
KCL King's College London
KINGULON Kingston University London
KHRC Kintampo Health Research Centre
KOBEUNI Kobe University
KOCUNI Koc University
KOGAKUIN Kogakuin University
KOAUMU Kom Aushim Museum
KATHHOSP Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH).
KIGA Kruezberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus KIgA e.V.
KUMAUNI Kumamoto University
KCCRTM Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine
KUMASI Kumasi Hive - Ghana
KTU Kumasi Technical University
KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
KZNMUSE KwaZulu-Natal Museum
KRISP Kwazulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform
KYU Kyambogo University
KYMSNET Kymsnet Media Network
KYOTOUNI Kyoto University
KYUSHU Kyushu University
L2S2LTD L2S2 Limited
LJII La Jolla Institute for Immunology
LATROBE La Trobe University
LBVAD Laboratoire Bactériologie Virologie Aristide Le Dantec Sénégal, Dakar
LFNINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
LADYIRW Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi
LUMS Lahore University of Management Sciences
LAT Laterite BV
LATERITE Laterite Ltd
OSILV Latvijas Organiskas Sintezes Instituts
LEBAMUNI Lebanese American University
LEBUNI Lebanese University/Universite Libanaise (UL)
LYPNHSFT Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
LBU Leeds Beckett University
LEEDSTH Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
IFWDRES Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research
LEIZA Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie
LEICA Leica Microsystems UK Ltd
LEICNHS Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
LIBWARMU Liberation War Museum
LIBD Lieber Institute for Brain Development
LIFEBIT Lifebit Biotech Limited
LFTW Light for the World
LILYFNDT Lily Foundation
LIU Linköping University
LISTER Lister Hospital
LCRI Lithuanian Cultural Research Institute
LHCHNFT Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
LJM Liverpool John Moore's University
LSTM Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
UMCL Ljubljana University Medical Centre
LIMS London Institute for Mathematical Sciences
LMU London Metropolitan University
LSE London School of Economics & Political Science
LSHTM London School of Hygience and Tropical Medicine
LWC London Women's Clinic
LOUVRE Louvre Museum
LUCIDA Lucida Medical Ltd
LUDWIG Ludwig Centre, University of Lausanne
LMUM Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich
PIGORINI Luigi Pigorini National Museum
LUMOBIO Lumobiotics GmbH
LYZEUM Lyzeum Ltd
MACQUNI Macquarie University
IVIMIVR Madagascar Institute for Vaccine Research (MIVR)
MAGICB Magic Bullet Ltd
MAHIDOL Mahidol University
MAKUNI Makerere University
MIMR Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
MEIRU Malawi Epidemiology & Intervention Research Unit
MLWTCRP Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme
MAMIHAP Malawi Ministry of Health & Population
MCAST Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
MCCN Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences
MMU Manchester Metropolitan University
MFTNHS Manchester University NHS Foudation Trust
MAPSCI Map Sciences Ltd
MNIPR Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research
MLUHW Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
MASARUNI Masaryk University
MMUST Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
MASSGEN Massachusetts General Hospital
MIOT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MATTALAB Matta Labs Ltd
MTC Max Delbruck Centre
MPIB Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
ICEMPG Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
MAYNOOTH Maynooth University
MCGILL McGill University
MCPIN McPin Foundation
MDASPAR MDA Space and Robotics Limited
MRC-CBU Medical Research Council - Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
MUWIEN Medical University Vienna
MEDITECH Meditech Foundation
MEIRMED Meir Medical Center
MEKELLE Mekelle University
SKCC Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
MUN Memorial University of Newfoundland
MHI Mental Health Innovations
MUST Meru University of Science and Technology
METICULY Meticuly Innovations Ltd
METDROP Metrohm DropSens SL
MSENHSFT Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
MEFMOZA Ministry of Economy and Finance Mozambique
MFEPRW Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning Rwanda
MIFINPTZ Ministry of Finance and Planning Tanzania
MFEPDMW Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development
MHUGANDA Ministry of Health Uganda
MPWHINDO Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Republic of Indonesia
MEHNHSFT Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
MORRI Moredun Research Institute
MKU Mount Kenya University
MRCLMB MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
MRCNIMR MRC National Institute for Medical Research
MRCG MRC Unit The Gambia
MRCUVRI MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS
MRCLSHTM MRCUVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit
MSDHMLAB MSD-Wellcome Trust Hilleman Labs Pvt Ltd
MUDIAD Mudiad Meithrin
MUFTI Mufti Games Ltd t/a Play:Disrupt
MOI Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute
MUNASET Multi Nano Sense Technologies Private Ltd
MMRDA Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
MUNAJDOV Municipality of Ajdovscina
MUREDCOL Murray Edwards College
MUSBOX Museum in a Box
MUSCAM Museum of Cambridge
MOLA Museum of London Archaeology
MUSIUNIV Musical Universe Ltd
MLBV Myanmar Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department
NANEOS Naneos Particle Solutions GmbH
NANJDRUM Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital
NANOMOX Nanomox Ltd
NANYANGU Nanyang University
ANPR National Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Research
INTA National Agricultural Technology Institute (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria INTA)
ELKEUOA National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
NATARCH National Archives
NAS National Autistic Society
NCIU National Cancer Institute Ukraine
BIOTEC National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
CNDD National Center for Sustainable Development
NCLF National Central Library of Florence
NCBS National Centre for Biological Sciences
NCB National Children's Bureau
NCIREL National College of Ireland
NCAMSUD National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums (Sudan)
NHFB National Heart Foundation Bangladesh
INAF National Institute for Astrophysics
NIBSC National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
NICD National Institute for Communicable Diseases
NIMRTZ National Institute for Medical Research
NIAS National Institute of Advanced Studies
NIAB National Institute of Agricultural Botany
NIMHN National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences
NIMHANS National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
NIPSOM National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine
NIH National Institutes of Health
NATLIBSC National Library of Scotland
NMLCAN National Microbiology Laboratory Canada
REKIHAKU National Museum of Japanese History
MNHN National Museum of Natural History (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle)
NATMUKEN National Museums of Kenya
NAMUSCOT National Museums Scotland
NOC National Oceanography Centre
UPNFM National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazan
NPHLBAND National Public Health Laboratory, Guinea Bissau
INRAE National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment INRAE
NRUHSE National Research University- Higher School of Economics
NRCRI National Root Crops Research Institute
NATRUST National Trust
UNAHUR National University of Hurlingham
NUST National University of Sciences & Technology NUST
NHMUK Natural History Museum
NHMLESPF Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest
NATRUSMT Nature Trust Malta
NSMI Navoi State Mining Institute
NCERT NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training
NCS nCipher Security Limited
TNO Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
NRI Needham Research Institute
NEPCOM Nepal Communitere
NWO-I Netherlands Foundation of Scientific Research Institutes
NTCRC New Technology Costa Rica Consulting S.A.
NYU New York University (NYU )
NYUAD New York University Abu Dhabi
NEWNHSFT Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
NHSGGC NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
SUNDCCG NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group
NLS Nielsen
NCDC Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
NIMR Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Lagos
NIKAL NiKal Investments - Andrew Kisitu
NJA Njala University College
NOGUCHI Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research
NORCOUN Norfolk County Council
NMSNCC Norfolk Museums Service Norfolk County Council
NOREO Norfolk Record Office
NTNU Norges Teknisk-Nuturvitenskapelige Universitet (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
NORAEG North Aegean Region
NAU Northern Arizona University
NWGHRC Northwest General Hospital & Research Center
NIPH Norwegian Institute of Public Health
NUA Norwich University of the Arts
NOTTRENT Nottingham Trent University
NUH Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
JGU O.P. Jindal Global University
OBEXTECH Obex technologies
OKAYAMA Okayama University
ODURF Old Dominion University Research Foundation
OMPRAK Omprakash Foundation
OPO One Plus One
OPENCOSM Open Cosmos Ltd
THEODI Open Data Institute
OPENDEV Open Development and Education Ltd
OPEN Open University
ORIGPROJ originalprojects;
OSAKAUNI Osaka University
OSWCRUZ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
OTRARMUS Otrar State Archaeological Museum
OBU Oxford Brookes University
ODDLTD Oxford Drug Design Limited
OXUNCRUV Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Vietnam
OXFORDCC Oxfordshire County Council
PAPERFDN Paper Foundation
PAPHOSP Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
PARENTIF Parent Infant Foundation Ltd
SCIENPO Paris Institute of Political Studies Sciences PO
PARISSE Paris School of Economics
PARTIZAN Partizan International
PAHS Patan Academy of Health Sciences
PEACEADC Peace and Development Centre
PEAK PeakShine AB
PUMCH Peking Union Medical College Hospital
PENSTATE Pennsylvania State University
PENSOFT Pensoft Publishers
PDGHANA People's Dialogue on Human Settlements
PERDUNI Perdue University USA
PMAGPCC Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery Peterborough City Council
PHARMEN PharmEnable Limited
PHYCOLTD Phycoworks Ltd
PBRIGHT Pirbright Institute
PLACEWIS Placewise Limited
PLASBANK Plastic Bank
PLENPROD Plenty Productions CIC
PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory
MARJON Plymouth Marjon University
PLYMOUTH Plymouth University
PSIETHI Policy Study Institute
PETCO Polyethylene Terephthalate Recycling Company
POLYS Polysolar
UNIVPM Polytechnic University of Marche
PUV Polytechnic University of Valencia
PUCPR Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná)
PONTUNPE Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
UCCHILE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
PUCV Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
PORTSNHS Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
PGIMR Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
PRAYOG Prayog Samaj Sevi Sanstha (PRAYOG)
PRESERV Prescribing Services Ltd
PRIMAX Princess Maxima Centrum
PRINCEU Princeton University
PRADAN Professional Assistance for Development Action PRADAN
P90B2030 Project 90 By 2030
PROTEROS Proteros Biostructures GmbH
PROZOMIX Prozomix Ltd
PHANI Public Health Agency Northern Ireland
PHE Public Health England
PUBWORKS Public Works
PAU Punjab Agricultural University
PURDUE Purdue University
PWANIUNI Pwani University
QIMRBERG QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
QOLF QOLF Trading Ltd
QUADRAM Quadram Institute Bioscience
QUAIDUNI Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
QUALIA Qualia Analytics Limited
QMUL Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London
QMULON Queen Mary University of London
QUEENS Queen's College
QUB Queen's University Belfast
QUEENSU Queen's University Canada
QUT Queensland Univeristy of Technology
QUREIGHT Qureight Limited
RUN Radboud University Nijmegen
RCEW Rape Crisis England & Wales
RASTREO Rastreo Ltd
REACHOUT Reach Out Cameroon
REDSEA Red Sea University
REDEEMER Redeemer's University
LRM Reference Laboratory for Tuberculosis, Cotonou, Benin
POLITAS Refugee Cities (Politas Consulting)
REGENTS Regent's Park College
CARIRI Regional University of Cariri
CHURENNE Rennes University Hospital
REGIG Research and Grant Institute of Ghana
REICTAFR Research ICT Africa
NCBRIP Research in Practice
RESWORLD Research World Limited Liability Partnership
RANLAB ResilientAfrica Network
RESTDEV Restless Development
RESTORE Restoration Trust
RHEODX Rheo Diagnostics S.L.
RHOUNI Rhodes University
RICEUNI Rice University
RVI Rift Valley Institute
RRI Rights and Resources Initiative
RCU Rigshospitalet - Copenhagen University
RIJKZWA Rijk Zwaan
RIKENBDR RIKEN BDR (Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research)
RISE RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
RITS Ritsumeikan University
RIVSTUH Rivers State University Hospital
RMIT RNIT University
RPSG Rollercoaster Parent Support Group
ROTHRES Rothamsted Research
KEWGARD Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
RBHT Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
RCA Royal College of Art
RCMAC Royal College of Music
RCN Royal College of Nursing
RCSLT Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
ROYALNHS Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
ROYHOL Royal Holloway
MARSDEN Royal Marsden Hospital
RMCA Royal Museums for Central Africa
KNAW Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
RUHBATH Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
RVC Royal Veterinary College
RVCUOL Royal Veterinary College UoL
RUHRUB Ruhr-Universität Bochum
RUTDES RutterDesign Ltd
S4SUPER S4 Super Sharp Space Systems Ltd
SAGEBIO SAGE Bionetworks
SAINJAP Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
SAMBHAVH Sambhav Health Ltd
SBPDISC Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
SAPIENZA Sapienza University of Rome
SCALEBIO Scale Biosciences Inc
SAS School of Advanced Study, University of London
SCIHISIN Science History Institute
SCIMUS Science Museum
SCIRESFD Science Resources Foundation Ltd
SCPPS Scientific Centre of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery
SRUC Scotland's Rural College
SCOTAMS Scottish Association of Marine Science
SCRIPPS Scripps Research
XINXIANG Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College
SEMARION Semarion Ltd
SENCKENB Senckenberg Gesellschaft Fur Naturforschung
SENHUT Sensor Hut
SEOULNU Seoul National University
SAIC Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation
SIBS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
SHUEDU Shanghai University
SAGB Shellfish Association of Great Britain
SHIFT SHiFT Organisation Ltd
SICHUANU Sichuan University
SICKKIDS SickKids The Hospital for Sick Children
SFRASER Simon Fraser Unviersity
SMART Sinar Mas Agri Research Technology Research Institute
SINGETH Singapore-ETH Centre
JGH Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital
PNMBM Small Island of Braila Natural Park
SAWL Smith and Wallwork limited
SCNL Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
SOFIAMUN Sofia Municipality
SORBONNE Sorbonne University
SLAMNHS South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
SYBCA South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance
SIAS Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies SIAS
CSICES Spanish National Research Council
SLPC Sports Law & Policy Centre
CATHS St Catherine's College
STEDMUND St Edmund Hall
STJIC St John's Innovation Centre
STJUDE St Jude Children's Research Hospital
STMARYS St Mary's University Twickenham
NSAMBYA St. Francis Hospital Nsambya
STAFFUNI Staffordshire University
USTF Stanford University (USA)
SHM State Hermitage Museum
SHMR State Historical Museum of Russia
STAT Statens Serum Institut
SSBNO Statistics Norway
STEMBOND Stembond Technologies Ltd
INANNA Stichting Inanna Foundation
ISOCARP Stichting ISOCARP Institute Centre for Urban Exellence
FSDWAG Stichting voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling
STVUMC Stichting VUmc
STICLAB SticLab, Tanzania
STOCKUNI Stockholm University
STOWERS Stowers Institute
STRWAY Strangeways
SUBCODE Subcode Ltd
SUDDINST Sudd Institute
SUNYUMU SUNY Upstate Medical University
SUPCOURT Support Through Court
SUSTENAF Sustainable Energy Africa
SUZEEE Suzhou Environment Energy Exchange
SWANUNI Swansea University
SWEETCH Sweetch Energy
EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Versuchsanstalt)
USK Syiah Kuala University
SYNCVR SyncVR Medical UK Ltd
SYNNEFA Synnefa Green Ltd
SYSELEK Syselek (UK) Ltd
BRCMTA Szeged Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
TALKTRAN Talking Transformation Ltd
TALLINN Tallinn University
TUT Tallinn University of Technology
TISSEDU Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
TATAMEMC Tata Memorial Centre
DENMARK Technical University of Denmark
TUM Technical University of Munich
TECHNION Technion Israel Institute of Technology
TECHDORT Technische Universität Dortmund
TUDRES Technische Universität Dresden
TELAVIV Tel Aviv University
TEMPLE Temple University
TEXAMAR Texas A&M AgriLife Research
TEXCHOSP Texas Children's Hospital
BIHS The British and Irish Hypertension Society
OHE The Office of Health Economics
TSL The Sainsbury Laboratory
TAVISINS The Tavistock Institute
TIDEFDN TIDE (Together in Development & Education) Foundation
TILBURG Tilburg University
TOGCULT Together Culture CIC
TITECH Tokyo Institute of Technology
TOKYOUNI Tokyo University
TRAGSA Transformacion Agraria SA
TGM Transport for Greater Manchester
TRENTUNI Trent University
TRING Tring Consultancy Limited
TRINCAM Trinity College
TRINHART Trinity College (Hartford)
TCDUBLIN Trinity College Dublin
TROPBIAS Tropcial Biology Association
TBA Tropical Biology Association
TSINGUMD Tsinghua University School of Medicine
TWINCORE Twincore Gmbh
UNUD Udayana University
UGANDACI Uganda Cancer Institute
UPPA Uganda Press Photo Award
RENALREG UK Renal Registry
ULTIMATE Ultimate Performance Global Singapore
UNHABIT UN Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)
UNHCR UN Refugee Agency
UNEARTH Unearthodox
UNISON UNISON Environment Agency East Anglia
UKABIF United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum
UAMADRID Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
UAIIN Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural - Intercultural Indigenous Autonomous University
UALICANT Universidad de Alicante
UNISABAN Universidad de La Sabana
UNIVALLE Universidad del Valle
UNIEB Universidad El Bosque
UNAM Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
UNDC Universidad Nacional de Colombia
UNC Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
UNSAM Universidad Nacional de San Martin
TRUJILLO Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
UPCH Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
URJC Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
USFQ Universidad San Francisco de Quito
USANSEB Universidad San Sebastián
UDSP Universidade de São Paulo
UEM Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
UFSCAR Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
UFRJ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
FURG Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
UNILURIO Universidade Lurio Mozambique
UNL Universidade Nova de Lisboa
UNIPV Università degli studi di Pavia
UCORSICA Universita di Corsica
UNIINDON Universitas Indonesia
UPH Universitas Pelita Harapan
UNIBAS Universitat Basel
UNIINNS Universität Innsbruck
UOBERCAT Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
UOL Universitat Oldenburg
UNIOSNA Universität Osnabrück
UPFEDU Universitat Pompeu Fabra
UNICATLO Université catholique de Louvain
UCADSN Universite Cheikh Anta Diop
UNILORR Université de Lorraine
UNIMONT Université de Montréal
PICARDIE Université de Picardie Jules Verne
REIMSUNI Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
UCOMORES Universite des Comores
UFHB Université Felix Houphouët-Boigny
BRUXUNI Université Libre de Bruxelles
ULEI Universiteit Leiden
PUTRAMAL Universiti Putra Malaysia
UCC University College Cork
UNICD University College Dublin
IBADAN University College Hospital Ibadan
UCL University College London
UCLHOSP University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
UNIGREN University Grenoble Alpes
CHUBREST University Hospital Brest (CHU Brest)
UHCGCD University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
UHCROSS University Hospital Crosshouse SCIP
UHSTHTN University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
UHBNHS University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
UHCW University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
UKM University Kebangsaan Malaysia
UMCJGUM University Medical Center - Johanes Gutenburg University Mainz
UCB University of (Berkeley) California
UCD University of (Davis) California
UCSD University of (San Diego) California
UCSF University of (San Francisco) California
ABDN University of Aberdeen
UNIABUJA University of Abuja
ADELAIDE University of Adelaide
UNIALBER University of Alberta Canada
UALGCCMA University of Algarve Centro de Ciências do Mar
UNIAMS University of Amsterdam
UNIANTAN University of Antananarivo
EMDLEER University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer
UARK University of Arkansas
UOATHENS University of Athens
BAHGDAD University of Bahgdad
UNIBARC University of Barcelona
UNIBAIT University of Bari Aldo Moro
BATH University of Bath
UNIBAYR University of Bayreuth
UOB University of Bedfordshire
BELGRADE University of Belgrade
UNIBERG University of Bergen
BHAM University of Birmingham
UNIBONN University of Bonn
UBDX University of Bordeaux
BWUNI University of Botswana
UNIBRAD University of Bradford
UNIBS University of Brescia
BRIGHT University of Brighton
BRIS University of Bristol
UBC University of British Columbia
UNIBUCH University of Bucharest
UNIBUEA University of Buea
UCIRVINE University of California Irvine
UCSANDI University of California San Diego
UCSB University of California Santa Barbara
UNICANTA University of Cantabria
UNICANT University of Canterbury
UCCGHANA University of Cape Coast Ghana
UCT University of Cape Town
UNICAPE University of Capetown
CARD University of Cardiff
UNICLM University of Castilla–La Mancha
UCA University of Central Asia
UNILANCS University of Central Lancashire
CHESTER University of Chester
UNICOIMB University of Coimbra
UNIKOELN University of Cologne
UNICOLOM University of Colombo
UOC University of Colorado
UCONNHC University of Connecticut Health Center
UNICOP University of Copenhagen
UCO University of Cordoba
UNICOSRI University of Costa Rica
COVUNI University of Coventry
UNICUMB University of Cumbria
UDSM University of Dar Es Salaam
DELAWARE University of Delaware
DERBYUNI University of Derby
DHAKAUNI University of Dhaka Bangladesh
UNIDU University of Dubrovnik
DUNDEE University of Dundee
DUR University of Durham
UNIDUSS University of Dusseldorf
UEA University of East Anglia
UEL University of East London
ED University of Edinburgh
UETLH University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
UETP University of Engineering and Technology, Peru
UESD University of Environment and Sustainable Development
UNERLANG University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
UNIESS University of Essex
EXTR University of Exeter
FLORIDA University of Florida
UNIFBG University of Freiburg
UNGALWAY University of Galway
UNIGEN University of Geneva
UGA University of Georgia
UGH University of Ghana
UNIGHMS University of Ghana Medical School
UNIGHENT University of Ghent, Belgium
GLA University of Glasgow
UNIGLOS University of Gloucestershire
UNIGOMA University of Goma
GOTH University of Gothenberg
GOTTUNI University of Gottingen
UNIGREEN University of Greenwich
UHAIFA University of Haifa
UNIHAM University of Hamburg
UNIHANN University of Hannover
UOHSOMAL University of Hargeisa Somalia
HELSINKI University of Helsinki
HERTS University of Hertfordshire
UHI University of Highlands and Islands
HKU University of Hong Kong
UNIHUD University of Huddersfield
UNIHULL University of Hull
UOHYD University of Hyderabad
IBADUNI University of Ibadan
ILLURCH University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
IOWA University of Iowa
UNIJOHA University of Johannesburg
JUBAUNI University of Juba
JYVASK University of Jyvaskyla
UOK University of Keele
KELANIYA University of Kelaniya
UNIKENT University of Kent
KENTUCKY University of Kentucky
UOFK University of Khartoum
UNIKONST University of Konstanz
UKH University of Kurdistan Hewlêr
UNILAG University of Lagos
UNILANC University of Lancaster
LEEDS University of Leeds
LE University of Leicester
LEUVEN University of Leuven
ULIB University of Liberia
ULIEGE University of Liège
UNILILLE University of Lille
UNILINC University of Lincoln
ULISBOA University of Lisbon
LIV University of Liverpool
UOLLEIDA University of Lleida
BIRK University of London Birkbeck College
GUOL University of London Goldsmiths
ULIP University of London Institute in Paris
SOAS University of London SOAS
UNIANDES University of Los Andes
LBORO University of Loughborough
UMACAU University of Macau
UNIMC University of Macerata (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
UNIMAID University of Maiduguri
MAINZUNI University of Mainz
MAKENIUN University of Makeni
MALAWUNI University of Malawi
UNIMALAY University of Malaya
MU University of Manchester
MARYEDU University of Maryland
UNIMED1 University of Medicine 1 Myanmar
MELBUNI University of Melbourne
UNIMIAMI University of Miami
MICH University of Michigan
MDX University of Middlesex
MILANUNI University of Milan
UMN University of Minnesota
MISSUNI University of Missouri
UMONS University of Mons
UMONTPEL University of Montpellier
UNIMUNST University of Münster
MYSORE University of Mysore
UONBI University of Nairobi
UNAMIBIA University of Namibia
UNP University of Naples
UNEBLINC University of Nebraska Lincoln
UNEWMEX University of New Mexico
UNINSW University of New South Wales
NCL University of Newcastle
UNN University of Nigeria Nsukka
UNCSOM University of North Carolina School of Medicine
UNBC University of Northern British Columbia
NORTHUMB University of Northumbria
NOTT University of Nottingham
OUH University of O'Higgins
UO University of Oklahoma
OSLOUNI University of Oslo
OTAGO University of Otago
UOTTAWA University of Ottawa
OUAGA University of Ouagadougou
UNIOVI University of Oviedo
UOX University of Oxford
PADOVA University of Padova
UNIPALER University of Palermo
UNIPARIS University of Paris
UNIPITTS University of Pittsburgh
UPORTO University of Porto
PORT University of Portsmouth
UNIPOTS University of Potsdam
UNIPRET University of Pretoria
UOQ University of Queensland
RDG University of Reading
UNIROCH University of Rochester
UNROEHAM University of Roehampton London
UNRWANDA University of Rwanda
USAL University of Salamanca
SALFORD University of Salford
UNMSM University of San Marcos
UNISTT University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
SHEF University of Sheffield
SHU University of Sheffield Hallam
UDES University of Sherbrooke
UNISILEO University of Sierra Leone
USLTHC University of Sierra Leone Teaching Hospitals Complex
UNSOUSSE University of Sousse
UNISA University of South Africa
UNISUL University of South Santa Catarina
SOTON University of Southampton
UBS University of Southern Brittany (Université Bretagne Sud)
USC University of Southern California
SDUDK University of Southern Denmark
UNSRIJAY University of Sri Jayewardenepura
STAND University of St Andrews
UNISTELL University of Stellenbosch
STIRLING University of Stirling
UNISTIRL University of Stirling
UNISTRA University of Strasbourg
STRAT University of Strathclyde
SURRY University of Surrey
SUSX University of Sussex
UNISYD University of Sydney
UNITEXAU University of Texas at Austin
MDANCC University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
UTRGV University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
UIB University of the Balearic Islands
UBASQUE University of the Basque Country
UNIPHI University of the Philippines
UPCM University of the Philippines College of Medicine
UNIPUNJ University of the Punjab
TUSP University of the South Pacific (USP)
UVGAUT University of the Valley of Guatemala
UWI University of the West Indies
UWE University of the West of England
UWC University of the Western Cape
UTOR University of Toronto
UOTPS University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
UTRENTO University of Trento
UNITUBGN University of Tubingen
TURINUNI University of Turin
UOT University of Twente
ULSTER University of Ulster
UNIUPP University of Uppsala
UVALEN University of Valencia
UNVERONA University of Verona
UNIVICT University of Victoria Canada
UVA University of Virginia
WRCK University of Warwick
WU University of Washington
UNIWELON University of West London
UWO University of Western Ontario
WESTMSTR University of Westminster
UNIWINPG University of Winnipeg
UOWIT University of Witwatersrand
UNIWORCS University of Worcester
UNIWURZ University of Wurzburg
UOY University of Yaounde
YORKUNI University of York
UNIZAM University of Zambia
UNIZIMBA University of Zimbabwe
UZH University of Zurich
UTHZAM University Teaching Hospital UTH
CHGO Universtiy of Chicago
UCLA Univesity of (Los Angeles) California
UNWARSAW Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw)
URBNSYMB Urban Symbiotics Ltd
SPWURJAA Urjaa Nepal
UTR Utrecht University
VACCGRP Vaccine Group Ltd
VALASCI Vala Sciences, Inc.
VIHR Vall d'Hebron Research Institute
VARICON Varicon Aqua
JORDSAND Verein Jordsand e.V.
VERTIFUT Vertical Future Ltd
VICALB Victoria and Albert Museum
VAHC Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council
VCCC Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre
RISES Vietnam National Institute of Education Science
VILNIUS Vilnius University
VISION3 Vision 3 Ltd
VITO Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
VOICE21 Voice 21 Ltd
VSO Voluntary Services Online
VUA Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
VTTRESFI VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
WAGENRES Wageningen Environmental Research
WAG Wageningen University and Research
WAKEFDM Wakefield Mental Health Museum
WCPP Wales Centre for Public Policy
WALLSOC Wallpaper History Society
WALTON Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
WASEDAJP Waseda University
WUSTL Washington University in St. Louis
WAYNESU Wayne State Univesity
WELLCOLL Wellcome Collection
SAN Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
WELLCLIN Wellington Clinics Abuja Wellington Neurosurgery Centre
WECOHOTR Wells Community Hospital Trust
WYCHA West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance
WDP Westminster Drug Project
WIUT Westminster International University in Tashkent
WHITWOOD Whitby Wood Limited
WHITINST Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
WICKSDIG Wicks Digital Health Limited
WILDTRUS Wildlife Trusts
YPMH William Templeton Foundation for Young People's Mental Health
WHC Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd
W@TT Women at the Table
WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WOOLF Woolf Institute
WHOGB World Health Organisation Guinea Bissau
WHOLIB World Health Organisation Liberia
WHOSL World Health Organisation Sierra Leone
WREXUNI Wrexham Glyndwr University
YALEUNI Yale University
YELLBRIC Yellow Brick Capital (UK) Limited
YELTIC Yeltic Limited
YENUNI Yenepoya University
YORNHSFT York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
YORKUNIT York University Toronto
YORKUNIS Yorkshire Universities
YJBEW Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
ZEGAMI Zegami Limited