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Research Operations Office


All major funders expect recipient institutions of research funding to provide assurance that public funds are spent efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. Some research projects are subject to financial audits. Scientific (technical) and management risk audits may also take place.

All grants audit are managed by the Research Office Audit and Compliance team, contact details as below.  Please contact them for any audit query or if you are approached by a funder or by a funder’s appointed auditor with regard to arranging an audit.

Sara H.Nassiri

Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager


Irina Scurtu

Senior Compliance Coordinator


Kasia Barbusinska  Compliance Administrator


Interested to know more about Audit?

Check the following documents:

Guide on audit (pdf)

Essential of audits for Administrators

Essential of audits for PIs 



Q. Interested to know more about Audit?

Check the following documents:

Guide on audit (pdf)

Essential of audits for Administrators

Essential of audits for PIs