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Research Operations Office


When you're writing your proposal, you'll need to:

  • refer to the funder guidelines, and explain how your project meets their aims
  • justify why your project matters, why it's going to be effective, and why you're suggesting your approach
  • explain why your research is exciting and original
  • identify any potential issues, and explain how you're going to deal with them

University support

If you need help with your proposal, your Department is a great place to start. They can help by:

  • reviewing drafts
  • providing comments, and suggesting edits
  • explaining the different sections of the application
  • helping you make connections and collaborations

You can also get help from colleagues, line managers, collaborators, and the Research Operations Office.


Funding for grant applications

The Research Strategy Office provides tailored grant application support and manages two institutional funds to further enable this:


Research Council support

Each Research Council has produced their own application guidance: