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Research Operations Office


The Research Operations Office

The Research Operations Office (ROO) is the University’s official signatory for research grants and contracts, with formally delegated authority to submit applications, accept research grants and negotiate appropriate terms and conditions.  Managing research projects includes monitoring expenditure, preparing statements and financial reports for the diverse sponsor requirements, and reconciling and closing the grant at the end of the project.


School teams

Support is organised into School-facing teams, with each departmental administrator having a named research grants advisor as a single point of contact in ROO for queries relating to their department’s research grant applications and awards.  In addition, each School team has one or more experienced contract managers, who are responsible for a portfolio of departments within their School team, and liaise directly with academic staff to ensure optimal terms are agreed, in line with university policy.


Cross-School functions

Cross-School functions where support is provided by ROO include EC expert advice, audit and compliance management, operational policy development, equipment sharing and outputs coordination, and staff training including X5 support.

ROO communicates important research-related information via a fortnightly email bulletin and the twice termly Research Grant User Group meetings, in addition to a wide range of resources available on-line.

Each School team is headed by an Assistant Director, giving each School Office and each Head of Department a single point of contact for strategic issues and for escalation of non-standard operational issues.



Need further information?

Please contact the Finance Analyst in your team