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A key part of our role is to conduct risk assessments to mitigate any possible risks involved in conducting the research and in agreeing specific contractual provisions.

Risk Assessment includes

  • What is the value/financial benefit?
  • What is the research benefit?
  • What is the likelihood that intellectual property (IP) will be generated?
  • How strong is the academic desire for the project?

Type of funder

  • Who is the collaborator or sponsor/funder, should we collaborate with the specific party?
  • What is the nature of the relationship?
  • Is there an existing relationship with collaborator or sponsor/funder, long term, current or desired?
  • Is the research or the collaborator or sponsor/funder of strategic relevance for Department, School and/or University?
  • Is there any risk to the University, including reputational risk?
  • Is it likely to breach any University policy?

Existing research

  • Are there any existing restrictions in the PI’s (or Research Group) IP portfolio?
  • How does the research fit in with existing research?
  • What background IP is required?

Resources and timing

  • What resources are needed?
  • What is the actual urgency to put this in place or to secure the funding?
  • Is there scope for negotiating more favourable terms, is the correct agreement provided?

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