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Research Operations Office


A sponsor’s Terms and Conditions will detail the reporting required throughout the life of the award. Please check the conditions carefully to ensure that all reporting requirements are met.


UKRI & Innovate UK Grants – Final Expenditure Statements

From 1st July 2022, UKRI Final Expenditure Statements (FES) will need additional reporting due to the University receiving "limited assurance" on its recent audit. The additional reporting to the funder will include providing them with full transaction listings, staff listings and all timesheets for relevant staff [link]. Departments will need to be aware that when you receive the FES email from ROO you should

  • ensure that in CUFS, all Task 89 costs are approved and transferred. If there are any missing or incomplete timesheets, those costs will remain in Task 89 and cannot be claimed from the funder. The remaining costs in Task 89 will be charged to departmental budgets. Any associated estates and indirects will also be deducted from the claim.
  • complete your expenditure checks and provide all documentation to ROO within 6 weeks. The turnaround time for getting the information to ROO has changed from 2 months to 6 weeks to enable us to undertake the additional requirements that have been placed on us from UKRI. There will be no extensions to this timeframe.

[note about folder for historic timesheets on sharepoint or emails acceptable?]


Other Funders

For other sponsors, we will prepare and submit any financial reports/statements that are required.


What is the responsibility of the PI?

It is the responsibility of the PI to prepare and submit scientific, written and technical reports.