The earlier the Contracts Manager is involved in the process the greater the likelihood of putting in place an agreement with suitable terms for both parties. The University has its own set of standard agreements that cover a range of different types of research projects. Please contact your relevant Contracts Manager who will put forward a suitable template.
If the sponsor insists on using their agreement, the earlier this is shown to the Contracts Manager the more time he or she will have to review the terms and resolve any issues.
Questions we will ask you about your research project
Please tell us what the status of negotiation is; for example, the price and scope of work has been submitted to the sponsor and agreed, or if you are at an early stage of discussions to discuss the feasibility of undertaking a project.
We need to understand
- Who the sponsor is and what they wish to get out of the project
- If Cambridge is the sole researching party or if we are part of a consortium
- The general nature of the project and your aspirations for the research
- whether intellectual property (IP) will be created and what form this is likely to take (eg reports, copyright, patents etc)
- whether there are any contentious issues
- what urgency there is for when research should start
- Will there be researchers, students, co-investigators?
- Will we be subcontracting some of the work?