The Marie Sklodowska-Curie projects fund the salary and additional costs of the Marie S-Curie fellows employed on the grant. Other staff costs are not usually eligible on FP7 MSC grants (unless Cambridge are coordinating an ITN and employing a project manager etc).
MSC fellows are obliged to work full time on their project and this may need to be evidenced, timesheets provide such evidence.
In the absence of timesheets, the beneficiary must substantiate the cost claimed by reasonable means (alternative evidence) giving an equivalent level of assurance, to be assessed by the auditor. A contract, as a document signed before the work is actually performed, is not sufficient. It is therefore the Research Operations Office advice to keep timesheets for all staff working on an EC grant, even for FP7 Marie S-Curie fellows.
Template Timesheets
For your convenience the Research Operations Office has prepared a timesheet template to be used within your department available at the bootom of this page. This template is acceptable to the EC. For further information on how to maintain ROO Timesheets within your department,please click here.