The Marie Curie Actions are funded under FP7 Specific Programme 'People '. Its main objective is to strengthen the human potential in research and technology in Europe and to make Europe a more attractive place for researchers to work. A key focus of the 'People' programme is to have a structuring effect throughout Europe on the organisation, performance and quality of research training, on the active career development of researchers, on knowledge-sharing through researchers between sectors and research organisations, and on strong participation by women in research and development.
There are five Marie Curie actions mapped for FP7:
- Initial training of researchers - Networks of Initial Training (ITN)
- Life-long training and career development of experienced researchers - Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF), European Reintegration Grants (ERG) and Co-funding of Regional, National and International programmes
- Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) - Industry academia knowledge sharing scheme
- International dimension - International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development I(OF), International Incoming Fellowships(IIF), International Re-integration grants (IRG)
- Specific actions - Researchers Night 2007, Marie Curie Awards 2007
There is €4.7 billion earmarked for the People Programme. This sum will be allocated as follows: 40% Initial training of researchers; 25-30% Life-long training and career development; 5-10% Industry-academia pathways and partnerships; 25-30% International dimension; 1% Policy Actions.