US Export Control
If you import controlled technology / goods / software from the USA, US Export Controls apply even after the item is no longer in the US. Re-export clauses may prevent the goods, technology or software from being re-exported to particular countries and from being shared with certain foreign nationals within the UK (including within your research team). This may apply to shared equipment and software used by students, postdocs and visiting academics. If a person using controlled items / technology / software has dual nationality, their most recently acquired nationality will determine whether controls apply.
If your research involves items for military use, you will need to comply with US controls, specifically the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) provides a list of Export Administration Regulations (EAR) under which other technology / goods / software are controlled. You need to be aware of and comply with the restrictions. However, it is the exporter’s responsibility to let you know which items are controlled and which controls apply. You are advised to consult with the Research Operations Office before accepting and signing general declarations of compliance. Enquiries can also be directed to
US Export Control Compliance
US suppliers may ask for a signed End User Undertaking form when purchasing US goods or technology. The University provides guidance and templates for US export control compliance, including procurement, End User certificates and compliance with US export control regulations once you have the item / technology. It is important to put a compliance plan in place. If you have any questions or the supplier believes that you should make additional certifications, please get in touch with