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Research Operations Office


Nagoya Protocol (NP) and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Compliance Checklist


If you intend to use non-human genetic material that originates from outside the UK for research, you are legally obliged to comply with the Nagoya Protocol (“NP”). Please use this checklist to help determine what actions are required.

The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement that enables equitable sharing of non-human genetic resources (and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources). It recognizes the sovereign rights of countries/states to genetic resources within their jurisdiction.

As relevant, please read the University Nagoya Protocol webpage for further information about the Nagoya Protocol and Access Benefit Sharing (ABS). You can also seek advice from the research governance team.

Navigation of this Checklist

Part 1

Anyone intending to access a non-human genetic resource (“GR”) that originates from outside the UK for research should use the decision tool (Part 1) to identify whether the non-human genetic resource may be subject to obligations under the NP and/or any national Access and Benefit Sharing (“ABS”) legislation.

Part 2

  • If there are no NP-related or ABS obligations, use the recordkeeping template (Part 2) to record the relevant evidence as to why this decision has been reached.
  • If accessing additional samples, you should check that the country hasn’t implemented any new measures since you first accessed these samples and submit Part 2 again to create a dated record of your latest check prior to exporting or using the new samples.

Part 3

  • If there are (or potentially are) NP-related or ABS obligations, use Part 3 to support the submission of an ABS application to access the genetic resource.
  • Upon receipt of Part 3, the research governance team will contact you regarding the next steps.
  • If you wish to transfer (i.e. giving the genetic resource to a third party) any genetic resources that have NP-related obligations, you must complete certain compliance actions.
  • Please read the relevant section of Nagoya Protocol webpage and seek further advice as appropriate.


If you wish to transfer (i.e. giving the genetic resource to a third party) any genetic resources that have NP-related obligations, you must complete certain compliance actions. Please read the relevant section of the main Nagoya Protocol webpage and seek further advice as appropriate.


Please continue onto the decision tool in Part 1.