Published on 2 February 2017
Researchfish submission period 6 Feb - 16 March 2017
The annual submission period on Researchfish is 6 February 2017 to 4pm on 16 March 2017. Award holders of grants from RCUK (AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, EPSRC, STFC), BHF, CRUK, NIHR & NC3Rs are required to submit their returns during this time. (Other funders who use Researchfish have different deadlines). Please read the emails that are being sent out by Researchfish to award holders and login to your Researchfish account. Further details are available on the ROO website.
New fEC rates
Please be advised that X5 has been updated with the new fEC rates for 2017 from the 1st of February 2017 (note MRF/SRF rates are yet to be updated). Users of X5 are advised to update their costings (the Rates Tab in X5) to ensure the new rates are uploaded. The new rates can be viewed here Should you have any queries related to the updates, please contact your Research Support Advisor at the Research Operations Office.
RGUG meeting - 10th February
The next RGUG meeting with be on Friday 10th February at 10am in the Roger Needham Building, West Cambridge. An agenda for the meeting is available from the ROO website.
Events from the Office of Scholarly Communication
Helping Stem Researchers Publish
Join us for the second in our series exploring resources to help with the process of publishing your research in STEM disciplines - from innovative approaches to recording observations, to the dos and don'ts of peer review.
Wednesday 8th February | 9:15am - 1:30pm |
Glass Room, Betty and Gordon Moore Library |
To book |
Everything You Need to Know About Open Research (For Researchers and Graduate Students in Stem Disciplines)
Would you like to share your research findings with the international academic community, without paywall restrictions? Would you like to boost citations of your work? Did you know that funders recognise the benefits of Open Access and most now require it as a condition of their grants?
Tuesday 14th February | 10am - 11am |
Clinical School, Addenbrookes, Bay 13, Room E |
To book |
This one-stop introduction will explore what Open Research is, and what it means for you.