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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 23/09/2022 - 13:35

The following updated pay scales with an effective date of 01/08/2022 are being uploaded to X5 on Tuesday 27th September

  • University grades (non-Clinical) and banded rates
  • Clinical grades such as CLLR and CLLRSTR grades
  • NHS grades for nurses: NHS6, NHS7 and NHS8a grades. Note: these are different to Research nurses grades
  • MRC Units grades

The National Insurance rate files in X5 will be changed simultaneously to reflect the change of band thresholds

  • For funders who do not pay the Apprenticeship levy, please use the file dated 07/04/2022
  • For funders who pay the Apprenticeship levy, please use the file dated 08/04/2022

For existing costings, the Rates tab will show the Salary files, NI Rate File and either the University inflation file or the Funder inflation setup file as out of date. To apply the new rates to existing costings, go to the rates table tab and update the out of date files by clicking on "apply all updated files now". Please be aware that updating the NI and Inflation rates will lower costs marginally.