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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 10/02/2023 - 12:41

UKRI has updated its standard terms and conditions for research grants. In the guidance document, RGC 4 Use of Grant states -

“Public funds should be deployed with due consideration to value for money, environmental impact, welfare and business needs across all activities… Consequently, these should only include travel by standard class by train and economy class by air. Exceptions to this would be permitted where there is a justifiable health and wellbeing need and approved by the Research Organisation prior to purchase and evidence of this should be available.”

This means that business class and premium economy is not permitted and could only be used in exceptional circumstances where there is a justifiable health and wellbeing reason. Previously, premium economy could be used for long haul flights. Please let your researchers know of this change so that they can book their travel according to UKRI’s new Terms and Conditions.