Published on Fri, 10/06/2022 - 15:04
In the previous bulletin, we reminded you that timesheets are required for all part-funded directly incurred (DI) staff and must be signed off and dated within 2 months of the end of the timesheet period.
This week we have written to Departmental Administrators asking them to check the list of staff we believe they have in their Department, that are part-funded DI staff who are charged against UKRI grants. If you are involved in the checking process, please respond by 17th June, either confirming the list or providing details of any amendments. Following this, HR will be able to do a bulk update for the July payroll. Please refrain from moving any staff onto task 89 before the HR bulk upload.
From July onwards, all part-funded DI staff will be charged to a new task on the grants module that will need to be reconciled against timesheet evidence. This will meet our obligations around the UKRI audit findings and the new process can also include other funders such as Wellcome Trust, US federal funders (e.g. NIH) and EC grants.
Further guidance around the timesheet process will be circulated in the next bulletin. In the meantime, if you have any queries please contact your Research Support Manger or Assistant Director at the Research Operations Office.