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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 23/09/2022 - 13:24

All UKRI grants (RCUK and Innovate) with part funded DI staff need to have timesheets for the entire lifetime of the grant. Timesheet records have always been a requirement of the Terms and Conditions. From 1st July 2022, monthly timesheets of part funded DI staff need to be uploaded regularly to your Department’s SharePoint Library. Prior to the Final Expenditure Statement (FES), all timesheets since the beginning of the grant will need to be bulk uploaded onto the site. The Research Office is required to check that all timesheets are available at FES stage because this is what UKRI are auditing.

During August, we scheduled some live demonstrations and Q&A sessions to support this new process. We will be repeating these sessions for those who were unable to join us last time. The dates are

Timesheet demonstration Tuesday 27th September 11am Link to join meeting
Q&A session Wednesday 5th October 10am Link to join Q&A

We have published Q&As collected over the past weeks and continue to add in answers as we receive them from the auditors. There are also some bitesize "How do I" videos covering topics such as submitting a timesheet using the MS Form and how to get to your timesheet library in Sharepoint.

If you would like to give us your feedback on the new timesheet process, please use this form to share your views with us. We welcome your comments and will incorporate them into the review that we are undertaking after the first two months of operating the new process. Our findings will be discussed with UKRI along with any proposed improvements to the current process.