Published on Mon, 17/08/2015 - 11:36
This workshop is for researchers working in sciences (Clinical, Biological, Physical and Technology Sciences) who have existing collaborations with Polish scientists. The Polish government is releasing 120 million Euros to create approximately 10 centres of excellence in Poland. The information session will be presented by the Foundation of Polish Science, who are responsible for allocating the grants.
Each centre will have an international partner, such as the University of Cambridge whose responsibilities include being on the international board of the new centre and shaping the scientific agenda. This can be an excellent opportunity to boost PhD and Post-Doc exchanges and strengthen scientific links with Poland.
Date: Monday 28 September 2015
Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm
Venue: Mill Lane Lecture Room 7
If you have any questions please contact Dr Kata Fülöp at the International Strategy Office