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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

As a follow up to the previous Bulletin on Friday 13 May which outlined changes to equipment funding, the Research Office will be giving a presentation at RGUG on Tuesday 24 May.  We are still awaiting further information from RCUK on certain aspects but will be able to share specific advice recently received from the EPSRC

As you are probably aware, there are other efficiencies that RCUK are obliged to pass on through research grant funding and these will be in the form of cuts on indirect costs and re-indexation.  Details about these efficiencies are found here

At RGUG, information will be presented about the indirect cost and re-indexation changes by colleagues in the Finance Division.  In particular, the presentation will discuss various options that may be available to us to deal with the cuts (subject to any limitations contained in the more detailed guidance expected from RCUK).  We encourage discussion at the meeting and so in preparation for this we hope you will be able to review the presentation slides which can be found here

There are many questions about how the financial cuts will be implemented and the University has written to RCUK raising specific queries; we await a reply and will provide updates as soon as we receive further information.