Published on Fri, 23/09/2022 - 13:38
The EU and International Team together with Cambridge Enterprise are organising an online information event on 3rd November about the Horizon Results Booster (HRB) for Horizon 2020 Projects at the University. Horizon Results Booster (HRB) is an initiative of the European Commission which aims to support projects funded by the EU Framework Programme (FP) to help innovations go to market and maximise their impact.
The HRB offers free capacity building services to any closed or ongoing research projects funded by FP7, Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe programmes. It is not affected by the current uncertainty over the UK’s association to Horizon Europe.
The agenda for the event on 3rd November includes developing an effective business plan, pitching to potential investors and training in innovation management. There will also be parallel sessions for MSCA, ERC or other Collaborative Projects which you can join depending on your own project. Further details are available on the ROO website.
If you would like to attend the 3rd November online event as an H2020 PI, please e-mail and we will contact you about how to register. The closing date for registration is 13th October.