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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 18/08/2017 - 15:59

A reminder that the ERC Advanced Grant deadline is on 31st August 2017 at 4pm. The Research Office asks that applications are with us at least 5 working days (24th August) before the deadline in order for the checks to be completed and the Host Support Letters to be issued. The essential documents we need to see in order to issue the host support letter are

  • access to the project on the portal via

  • a completed X5

  • the completed A forms

  • the budget sections of the B2 document (the table and the corresponding narrative) – should you be able to provide the completed B1 and B2 documents as well then that would be ideal but we need the budget sections as a bare minimum to be able to issue the letter, and
  • we will also need confirmation that the title and acronym are final before being able to issue the host support letter.

A Cribsheet for the call is available on the Research Office website -

If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact the Research Support Advisor for your Department or Bethan Hosking Jones, ERC Officer on