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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

The process for including new items of equipment on the Equipment Admin Database is as follows:

  • New Fixed Assets in excess of £10K will be loaded monthly by the Fixed Assets Team in Finance into the database as ‘DRAFT’ records.
  • This will trigger an email request to equipment owners to access the Equipment Admin database and update the record
  • Upon completion, the record should be submitted for ‘Fixed Asset Approval’.  
  • Once approved by Finance, the record will assume a ‘LIVE’ status and will then be available to search via the Equipment Website at:
  • Whilst a record remains as ‘DRAFT’ status, automated weekly email reminders will be sent to the equipment owner.
  • Departments may elect to identify a single point of contact for all equipment.

Please contact your School Team at the Research Operations Office if you have any questions.