Published on Fri, 15/01/2021 - 15:56
All research articles which arise from Wellcome, Gates or Templeton funding submitted for publication after 1 January 2021 are required to be made available with a CC BY license at the time of publication. Grant funding can no longer be used to pay open access charges in ‘hybrid’ journals that include a mixture of open access and paywalled content (it remains possible to pay for publication in fully open access journals). This is a change from previous policies and applies to current as well as future grants. Compliance is a condition of grant funding and will be monitored by the funders. Other funders are expected to make similar policy changes over the coming year.
For full details of funders' Plan S implementation plans with links to the details of their Open Access requirements, go to the Coalition S website. Support is also available for University Cambridge staff and students through the Open Access Team by emailing