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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

There are a number of deadlines which fall during the Christmas break and the first week of January 2015. To help us manage this work more effectively could you make your PIs aware that applications need to be with us on the following dates:

 Funder Deadline Applications                                      With Research Operations Office 

Tuesday 23 December 2014 - Monday 5 January 2015        Tuesday 16 December 2014

Tuesday 6 January –  Friday 9 January 2015                       Thursday 18 December 2014


Final expenditure on RCUK Final Expenditure Statements due between Saturday 20 December 2014 and Monday 12 January 2015 must be confirmed to Research Operations by Tuesday 16 December. This is to allow Final Expenditure Statements to be submitted prior to the Christmas break, as the due date will not be extended by RCUK.