Published on 16 September 2010
Research Grants Users Group (RGUG) Meeting – 28 Sept 2010
The next meeting of the RGUG will take place on Tuesday 28 September at 9:30am and will be held in the Lecture Theatre, Hopkins Building, Dept of Biochemistry, Downing Site, Tennis Court Road. Tea and coffee will be available from 9:00am.
The RGUG is led by the Research Office and is a forum where research grant administration issues and developments are discussed. If you have any queries, please contact
BBSRC Presentation - 7 Oct 2010
The BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) will be visiting Cambridge to give a presentation on Pathways to Impact. The talk will be relevant to anyone who has an interest in BBSRC research grants including academics, facilitators and administrators.
The presentation will take place on Thursday 7 October, 2:30pm – 3:30pm at the Biffin Lecture Theatre (next to the Dept of Genetics), Downing Site. It would be helpful, though not essential, if you could indicate your interest in attending this session by e-mailing If you have any queries, please e-mail
Changes to pFACT - 20 Sept 2010
1. Updated Clinical Lecturer/Research Associate pay scale
In light of the revised Clinical Lecturer/Research Associate pay scale effective from 1 April 2010, the pay scale will be updated in pFACT to reflect this. This change will be made to pFACT on Monday 20 September between 8:30am and 10:30am during which time the system will be vulnerable.
Once these changes have been made, users are requested to press the recalculate button so that these new rates can be applied to their proposals. Any proposals that are currently with the Research Office will be recalculated and the necessary amendments made to proposals.
2. New Pay scales for Research Nurses
After consultation with the Human Resources Division, two new pay scales will be added to pFACT in order to encompass Research Nurses. These new scales will be:
- Research Nurse, Grade 7 (NUR-RS-07)
- Senior Research Nurse, Grade 8 (NUR-RS-08)
Please note that these grades will attract FTE related costs, incremental dates will be anniversary of appointment, the standard August pay uplift will apply and there are no ghost points.
These changes will be made to pFACT on Monday 20 September between 8:30am and 10:30am during which time the system will be vulnerable.
If you have any queries please contact your School Team at the Research Office or the pFACT helpdesk on