Published on 14 September 2012
pFACT Clean-up for migration to X5
To All pFACT Users
As you may be aware, the University is in the process of replacing pFACT with a new costing tool called X5.
A survey was carried out at the end of 2011 to obtain information, from users, as to which data should be migrated from pFACT to the new system. Based on this survey, it has been decided that projects created after 1 February 2012 that are still awaiting a decision from the funder or have not yet been submitted to a funder would be available for users in the new system. In order to ensure that only relevant data is transferred over, could you please review the pFACTs held within your department that fit this criteria and, where possible, delete or archive the proposals that are no longer required. If you have been advised by a funder that a proposal has not been successful, could you please notify the Research Operations Office as soon as possible.
For information, pFACTs created after 1 February 2012 will have an ID number that is above 26640.
Research Professional
Funding alerts generated by Research Professional and circulated by Rhys Morgan will discontinue from the end of September. Each institution should now have a designated administrator able to create and distribute more discipline-specific alerts to distribute in the usual way, from next month. Any departmental administrator who has not yet received basic training on the Research Professional database and wishes to do so should contact the Assistant Director responsible for their School in the Research Operations Office as soon as possible, and before the end of September.