Published on 26 July 2024
Worktribe contracts module launching in School of Technology on 31st July
Following a successful launch of the pre-award module in the School of Technology earlier this month, the Worktribe contracts module will launch in the school on Wednesday 31st July 2024. Direct communications has been shared with professional services colleagues and researchers in the School of Technology.
This is an important step in the Transforming Research Support programme, which aims to improve the support the University offers to researchers and staff, making it easier to do world-class research. The programme will introduce Worktribe in the remaining schools during Michaelmas Term 2024.
ERC 2025 Synergy Grant webinar – 30th August
On Friday 30th August 2024, between 10am – 12:30pm UK time, the UK Research Office in Brussels (UKRO) will hold a webinar on the ERC 2025 Synergy Grant call.
The aim of this webinar is to provide participants with detailed, practical information about the ERC Synergy Grant scheme. This webinar will be of interest to PIs who intend to submit a proposal for this call and professional services staff who will be supporting these applications.
Prior registration on UKRO website is needed to attend this webinar. The session will be recorded and available alongside the presentation slides on the UKRO event page afterwards.
ERC 2025 Work Programme webinar - 12th September
On Thursday 12th September 2024, between 2pm – 3:30pm UK time, the European Research Council (ERC) will host a webinar providing information on the ERC 2025 Work Programme. The webinar will explain about the new funding opportunities, budget allocations, timescales for submission and other eligibility conditions.
Angela Liberatore and José Labastida from the ERC Executive Agency will present the plans for 2025 and answer questions. Further details are available from the ERC website.
Revised information packages for researchers and staff members participating in MSCA projects
The European Commission has published revised information packages for fellows and staff members participating in projects funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon Europe.
The documents can be found in the MSCA document library and information packages for
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie staff members in Staff Exchanges
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows in Doctoral Networks
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows in COFUND
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows in postdoctoral fellowships (version 1)
Join our CoP Live Event - 26th September
The Grants Administration Community of Practice (CoP) welcomes anyone involved in supporting research grants at the University of Cambridge to our first ever live, in-person event at West Cambridge (venue TBC) on Thursday 26th September from 10am - 1:30pm. At the launch of the new 2024 academic year, the event will include an opportunity for you to:
- build community with other grant support professionals over refreshments and lunch
- speak with and hear from our new Director of Research Services, Andrew Jackson
- define our values as a CoP with expert practitioner, Freya Villis
- curate examples of good practice when encountering common difficulties in supporting grants
- note common obstacles to good practice and ways of overcoming these roadblocks
- explore ways of making our CoP even more effective through focussed events and sub-groups focussed on particular, relevant topics
Please complete the following form to register your interest in attending.
RGUG Meeting 18th July 2024 - recording and presentations now available
The Research Grants User Group Meeting (RGUG) took place on 18th July 2024 and the recording and slides are now available. Presentations included the Worktribe launch schedule, the National Security Act and UKRI’s The Funding Service.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 8th October 2024 at 2pm and will be an online Teams meeting. Further details will be circulated nearer the time and if you have any questions, please contact
New policy and process for considering funding from fossil fuel companies
At its meeting on 15 July 2024, University Council approved a new policy and process for considering funding from fossil fuel companies. Under the new policy and process, the University will not accept research or philanthropic funding from fossil fuel companies whose business models do not align with net zero 2050 (NZ2050) targets, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Science Based Targets initiative’s definition will be used for determining which organisations will be considered as fossil fuel companies. The exceptional circumstances under which the Committee on Benefactions and External and Legal Affairs (CBELA) might consider funding from a fossil fuel company are designed to set a high bar and will be based on
- whether the proposal offers a significant amount of funding (usually several million pounds), which could not be obtained elsewhere
- whether the proposal advances the University’s overall academic and institutional aims as articulated in School Visions or equivalent, including for Non-School Institutions.
Further details are available from the Cambridge University Reporter. If you have any queries about any future research funding involving fossil fuel companies, please email
Government Office for Science Survey – deadline 16th August
The Academic Engagement team at the Government Office for Science would like to gather your views on how you engage with the UK Government. The information you provide will be used to understand current academic engagement with UK Government. It will also be used to build an evidence base for a scoping project to increase the number of mid-career scientists in the Civil Service at senior levels, permanently.
To share your views, please fill out the survey. They would welcome views from early career researchers all the way to senior researchers and from a broad range of disciplines.
The survey will close Friday 16th August at 5pm.