Published on 24 March 2023
Grant Application Submission Deadlines
We would like to remind you that the Research Office will be closed for the April and May Bank Holidays. If you have a grant application that you will be sending to the Research Operations Office (ROO) during this time, please ensure that you are aware of the ROO Application Deadlines. You can use the Applications Deadline Calculator to help you work out when your application is due to us.
- For applications >£250k fEC, the X5 needs to be submitted through to ROO's workflow a minimum of 5 working-days before the funder (or lead institution's) submission deadline.
- For applications <£250k fEC, these can be processed under the Small Application policy (unless the application falls under the exceptions criteria) which allows for submission to ROO at least 2 working-days before the funder deadline.
In addition to the above deadlines, Departments are required to give ROO a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice of the intention to submit an application. Please highlight clearly if the application involves a Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMP), a Clinical Trial Unit or a Clinical Trial involving international sites. This will assist the Research Development Teams to allocate workload effectively across their teams.
Research Grants User Group Meeting – 11th May 2023
The next RGUG meeting will take place as a live event on Thursday 11th May at 11:15am. This is an open meeting for anyone with an interest in research grants administration and developments. Further details about the meeting will follow nearer the time.
Slides and recording of the previous RGUG meeting in February are now available.
Wellcome Trust Organisation Spend Report – Departmental Expenditure Checks
An Organisational Spend Report (OSR) is submitted quarterly to the Wellcome Trust (WT) by the Research Operations Office (ROO) for the months of March, June, September and December. Before ROO submits the next OSR, please could Departments check and verify all their WT expenditure on CUFS and make any amendments before the March 2023 General Ledger period closes.
If you have any queries, please contact
Researchfish 2023
The Researchfish submission for 2023 has now closed for the main funders and we would like to thank all researchers, administrative staff and node administrators for playing their part in the submission process this year.
For those researchers who were unable to submit, please contact your funder if you have not heard from them already. If you have any queries, please contact
Research Grant Expenditure Training Sessions - March 2023
We have arranged for some online training sessions aimed at research support staff, finance staff and PIs who deal with expenditure on research grants. The sessions will be delivered by our internal auditors from Lees.
Monday 27 March 9:30am -12noon | Financial Audit of EC Grants |
Wednesday 29 March 10am -11:15am | Financial Audit of Innovate UK Grants |
Wednesday 29 March 1pm - 2:15pm | Single Audit of US federal grants (including NIH) |
Topics will include how to prepare for an audit, what documentation you need to support expenditure and the opportunity for Q&A. Once you register for the training, you will be sent an email with the joining link for the session.
Elements and Apollo Upgrade - Spring 2023
The University repository, Apollo, will undergo a significant upgrade mid to late April. The Elements system, which is linked to Apollo, will be unavailable for several days while the underpinning repository platform, DSpace, is upgraded to its latest version. It will not be possible to make open access, research data or doctoral theses deposits during this time.
The DSpace upgrade will allow development of a safer, more robust and resilient repository infrastructure. For users, it will be easier to search, browse, discover content, and subscribe to updates.
The Elements upgrade will also add some extra functionality, including increased integration with ORCID. However, you should notice very little change to the experience of using the Elements system which underwent a major upgrade last year.
Timeframes, expected downtime and guidance on new features will be confirmed shortly and details will be available on the Elements support pages. If you have any questions or comments, please contact