Published on 17 September 2021
Research Impact Session – 22nd September 2021
The Principal Investigator Programme has been developed to help researchers with their responsibilities of managing a grant. The final online event of this series is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd September at 12:30pm on the topic of impact and will include -
- Understanding why impact is important to funders
- Building impact into your research
- How to monitor and evidence impact
Details of how to book your place and view the narrated presentation prior to the session can be found on the Principal Investigator Programme page.
ERC Starting Grant Call Information Webinars - 28th & 30th September 2021
This two-part webinar series by UKRO is aimed at researchers who are planning to submit a proposal to the 2022 ERC Starting Grant call, and the research support staff who will be assisting these applications.
Webinar 1: Tuesday 28th September 2021 (10:00 – 12:00 UK time) provides an initial overview of the European Research Council and the nature of an ERC Starting Grant, UK participation in the ERC, eligibility criteria and proposal development. Register for webinar 1.
Webinar 2: Thursday 30th September 2021 (10:00 – 12:00 UK time) provides information on the submission process, how proposals are evaluated and other elements to consider when designing a project for your big research idea. Register for webinar 2.
Research Grants User Group (RGUG) Meeting – 5th October 2021
The next RGUG meeting will take place as a live event on Tuesday 5th October at 11:15am. Details and joining information will be circulated in the next bulletin.
Slides and recording of the previous meeting in July are now available on the RGUG web page. For further information please contact
Fly America Act
Researchers who receive US federal funding for a research project are reminded that if you need to travel by plane, flights must be booked using an American flag carrier, or a flag carrier from a country with an Open Skies Agreement with the US. (There are some circumstances where this may not be possible and you should refer to the exceptions listed on the website).
The EU had an Open Skies Agreement in place, but since the UK is no longer part of the EU, the website has been updated with the following:
Note: As of January 1, 2021, The United Kingdom (U.K.) is no longer a member of the EU. Consequently, the Open Skies Agreement with the EU does not pertain to the U.K. Travelers must use a U.S. Flag Carrier to travel from the U.S. to the U.K. and not a U.K. airline (e.g., British Airways), unless they use a different Fly America Act exception. Travelers may continue to use an EU agreement for travel from the U.S. to the U.K. as long as the flight stops in the EU prior to arrival in the U.S. or the U.K.
If you have any questions, please contact