Published on 3 September 2021
Funding Assurance Programme Audit 2021
The University of Cambridge has been notified by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) of our forthcoming Funding Assurance Programme (FAP) audit. The audit will take place during October – December 2021 and in preparation for this we need to submit some key information to UKRI by Thursday 30th September.
UKRI has sampled 132 grants of which 30 grants will require transaction and staff listings. For the remaining 102 grants, general information will be reviewed, including accuracy of record keeping, variation between income and expenditure, and existence of appropriate collaborative agreements. Of the 30 grants that will be reviewed in full, departments should have received an email from the Research Operations Office (ROO) with details of what is required by the end of September. For the 102 grants that will have a general review, the ROO are currently checking these and will be in touch with Departments if further information is required.
Research Administration Programme 2021
The Research Administration Programme (formerly known as ROOTS Tier 2) aims to help staff who work in grant administration to improve their knowledge and understanding of the grant lifecycle. Each module will focus on a different aspect of grant administration and consists of a narrated presentation and live event with the presenter and other delegates. There are currently two modules available to book which are limited to 20 delegates per event -
- Pre Award Module Live Event - Thursday 30th September 2021, 9:30am - 11:30am
- Post Award Module Live Event - Tuesday 19th October 2021, 9:30am - 11:30am
To book your place, please visit the Research Administration Programme sharepoint site. Prior to each live event, you will need to have watched the narrated presentation on the SharePoint site. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your name from the booking system, to allow those staff who are on the waiting list to take your place. Please contact if you have any queries.
Sustainable Business Travel Policy Questionnaire
National and international business travel can play a key part in academic, research and education objectives at the University of Cambridge. However, in 2018/19, carbon emissions from business travel were roughly equivalent to emissions from gas used for space and water heating across the University estate (Environmental Sustainability Report 2019). The University of Cambridge is carrying out a consultation (led by The Sustainability team and Cambridge Zero) to ask for feedback from staff and students on a new draft Sustainable Business Travel Policy.
All members of the University are invited to share their views on business travel, and give feedback on the draft policy by completing a consultation questionnaire [Raven login required] by 3pm on Friday 29th October. You can also express your views further by attending a focus group or 1:1 discussion. Either provide your contact details in the questionnaire or email
Wellcome's Sustainable Research Survey
The Wellcome Trust would like to hear from their current and former grant holders as well as support staff about the barriers they face regarding sustainable research and how Wellcome could help to alleviate these. Staff can share their thoughts and experiences by completing the WT survey which is open until Thursday 9th September 2021.
Update to UKRI fEC Grant and Training Grant Terms and Conditions
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has updated its full economic cost (fEC) grant and training grant terms and conditions, as part of its standard biannual update. A summary of changes include -
- a new grant condition clarifying expectations for organisations and individuals in receipt of UKRI funding
- supporting international students
- flexible working, including from home and overseas
Reminder - Programme for PIs, Booking for September Events
The Principal Investigator Programme has been developed to help researchers with their responsibilities of managing a grant. Topics include -
- ensuring that your project is properly costed
- knowing when to seek ethics approval
- protecting your research – intellectual property and publishing rights
The programme modules provide essential background information, tools and tips as well as online events with the presenters and other participants. Completion of the programme will help PIs to understand and implement the financial, ethical, legal and regulatory aspects of successful grant management. Presentations are now available and a series of live events are scheduled for September 2021, details of how to book your place can be found on the Principal Investigator Programme page.
Reminder - Community of Practice (CoP) for Grants Administration Survey
The Research Office are looking to facilitate more collaboration and knowledge-sharing to support all those who run, contribute and are involved in grants administration. We would like to set up a Community of Practice (CoP) for grants administration and would really value your views about how this could work for you.
Please let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the Community of Practice for Grants Administration short survey, this will only take five minutes to complete. Your response will help us understand how a CoP could support you and how you might potentially be involved. We shall be reviewing your feedback in early September and sharing the outcomes with you during the Michaelmas Term.