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Research Operations Office


Published on 14 August 2020

X5 Upgrade - Testers Needed

The X5 Upgrade project team is looking for volunteers to do User Acceptance Testing which is scheduled to take place from 1st - 25th September. Testing will take place remotely and flexibly during this period and volunteers would be expected to complete 1-2 hours of testing.   

For more information or to volunteer, please email Liam Boote 


Research Office Closed on Bank Holiday Monday

 The next bank holiday is Monday 31st August and therefore the Research Office will be closed and is a non-working day. Please take account of this for any forthcoming deadlines you might have. The application deadline calculator on the Research Office website has been updated to reflect the bank holiday as well as the current additional requirements due to the COVID pandemic.




Reserch Grants User Group

Thanks to those who attended the RGUG meeting on 28th July. The recording, slides and Q&As are now available on the Research Office RGUG webpages. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24th September at 11:15am and further details will be circulated at the beginning of next month.