Published on 15 April 2020
Research Office Application Deadlines From 27th April 2020
As our staff continue working remotely, to manage our workflow and prioritise activity relating to COVID-19 we would like to remind you of some changes to the way in which grant applications will be dealt with from 27 April:
- a minimum of 4 weeks notice of your intention to submit to a particular scheme
- a copy of the full proposal at least seven working days in advance of your funder’s deadline
Some funders have very short turnaround times which means that it's not always possible to give the Research Office 4 weeks' notice of intention to submit. In these circumstances, please contact ROO at the earliest opportunity so that we can assess the resource requirements to support the application. Further details can be found on the Research Office COVID-19 webpage.
Work is also on-going to update the funder guidance pages on the ROO website with a summary of funder's current position for award holders, new applications and COVID-19 research.
Scheduled Grant Audits
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have consulted with our internal auditors and taken the decision to cancel all of the H2020 interim audits until the current restrictions allow us to re-open our buildings and Departments. For those affected H2020 grants that have a reporting period due before the final audit, our intention is to reschedule the interim audit for the next upcoming reporting period.
With regards to other audits (e.g. FP7, Innovate UK, US federal grants), as well as the H2020 final audit, the decision to proceed will be made on a case by case basis. We will need to establish if it is possible to go ahead with the audit based on guidance from the funder, as well as availability of resources and information required to undertake the audit. When audits are due, the ROO Compliance Team will be in touch with departments to discuss the options available.
In the interim, please see the following clarification from the EC.
UKRI Calls in April & May - deadlines extended
UKRI PhD Students
UKRI-funded PhD students whose studies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and who are in their final year will receive an extension to their research of up to six months so they will be able to complete their studies. Further details are available at
Wellcome Trust - Updates for Current Award Holders and New Applications
WT have extended the submission deadlines by one week for any schemes with a deadline up to the end of April 2020. For current grant holders, they will extend all grants (that are due to end in 2020 or 2021) by up to six months, to allow for any disruption caused by the pandemic. For studentships due to end in 2020, submission deadlines can be extended by up to 6 months, and for studentships that are due to end in 2021, extensions of up to 3 months are permitted.
Supplementary grant funding is available for salaries and stipends -
- grants ending 1 March to 31 December 2020, WT will provide an additional six month's funding to pay for salaries of staff employed on your grant, as well as stipends for PhD studentships.
- grants ending in 2021, WT will provide an additional three month's funding to pay for salaries of staff employed on your grant, as well as stipends for PhD studentships.
Further details are available on the WT webpage for grant holders and applicants.