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Research Operations Office


Published on 8 November 2019

ERC Consolidator Grant Call 2020 - Information Event on 27th November 2019

An information event for the ERC Consolidator Call 2020 is being organised for all potential applicants, departmental administrators and research support staff. The deadline for the ERC Consolidator Grant Call 2020 is 4th February 2020 at 4pm (UK time).

Wednesday 27th November 2019

2pm - 4pm

Room 7, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, 8 Mill Lane

Speakers include -

  • Dr Roisin Owens, an ERC Consolidator Grant holder, will provide insights from her experience

  • Mrs Renata Schaeffer, Assistant Director for EU and International, will give an overview on ERC Grants in Cambridge

  • Mrs Francesca Nieto, EU & International Research Facilitator, will provide information on how to apply for this 2020 Call

Please use the following link to register:

Also in early December, there will be a writing workshop to support ERC consolidator grants applicants to write their proposal. This is open only to researchers that will apply for the 2020 ERC call. If you are interested in this, please contact


Christmas and New Year Deadlines for Applications and Expenditure Statements

Due to the Christmas vacation the Research Operations Office (ROO) will close from 1pm on Tuesday 24th December 2019 and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2020.  Therefore please be aware of the following deadlines.

  • Final Expenditure Statements for UKRI awards over the Christmas period must be confirmed to the Research Operations Office by Friday 29th November 2019. This is to allow Final Expenditure Statements to be submitted to the funder, prior to the Christmas closure.

If you have a funder deadline between Saturday 21st Dec 2019 – Thursday 2nd Jan 2020, applications should reach the ROO for

7 Working days deadline

Thursday 12th December 2019

5 Working days deadline

Monday 16th December 2019

1 Working day deadline

Friday 20th December 2019

Please ensure that your PIs are made aware of these arrangements.



Researchfish Node Administrator Session, 14th November 2019

The annual funder submission period on Researchfish will be the 3rd February to 12th March 2020. In preparation for the submission period, the Research Office is running a workshop for node administrators and other staff involved in this process. The session will cover

  • the process for checking awards
  • response codes guidance
  • how to use Researchfish

Thursday 14th November 2019

2:30pm - 3:30pm

8 Mill Lane, Mill Lane Lecture Room 1

Open Session

The session will be of benefit to new and experienced Node Administrators and there is no need to register in advance. If you have any questions, please contact


RGUG Meeting – 3rd December 2019

The Research Grant User Group (RGUG) meeting is led by the Research Operations Office and is an open forum where research grant administration issues and developments are discussed. The next meeting will take place as follows

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

2pm – 3:30pm


Norwich Auditorium, Roger Needham Building, 7 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0RB

The minutes of the last meeting are available on the ROO website. If you have any queries, please contact