Published on 9 February 2018
Researchfish submission period now open
The annual submission period on Researchfish is 5 February 2018 to 4pm on 15 March 2018 for most funders.
Award holders of grants from RCUK (AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, EPSRC, STFC), BHF, CRUK, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, NC3R's, NIHR, The Brain Tumour Charity and UK Space Agency are required to submit their returns during this time. (Other funders who use Researchfish have different deadlines).
Emails have been sent to award holders from Researchfish on behalf of the funders. Recipients need to login to Researchfish and make their annual submission by 4pm on 15 March. Guidance for PI’s and students who are new to Researchfish is available in a two page document. Further details can be found on the ROO website.
Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre in X5
When the updated rates for MRFs and SRFs were loaded into X5 on 1st February 2018, the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre (WBIC) was inadvertently omitted from the list. This has now been corrected so that the WBIC shows the new rates, however Departments / users will need to use the following procedure to upload the correct rates on their current costings.
If your costing includes WBIC and is in “Draft”, “Not approved” or “Submitted”, please follow these steps
- If the facilities rates file shows 01/02/2017, it is out of date. Users need to update the file so that it shows 01/02/2018
- If the facilities rates file is up to date i.e. the date of the file is 01/02/2018, users will need to delete their WBIC entries, save and re-enter them (the new price will then be pulled through).
If you have any queries, please contact your Research Support Advisor at the Research Operations Office.
New X5 User Group
The Research Operations Office and UIS would like to invite Administrative and Academic staff to join a new X5 User Group. The group will be working towards a future upgrade of X5 which will include
Understanding user requirements, processes and providing feedback
Identify and prioritising new report requests and testing new modules and versions
Advising on timescales, communication and training needs
We are looking for representation from across the Schools and will select group members to reflect the X5 user base. The first meeting will be scheduled for mid March.
If you are interesting in joining the X5 user group, please email by Thursday 22nd February.
Wellcome Trust Grant Start Certificates
Following the recent change in Wellcome Trust procedures, Grant Holders are no longer able to submit Grant Start Certificates on the Grant Tracker system. Instead, Grant Holders should liaise with their Departmental Grants Administrator who will then advise the Research Operations Office (ROO) of the correct start date. ROO will then complete the Certificate and submit to Wellcome on behalf of the Grant Holder.
Further information can be found on Wellcome’s website at and in their ‘System Help’ Guide on Grant Tracker.
AHRC - Data Management Plans in grant applications from 29th March 2018
From 29th March 2018, the AHRC will be removing their requirement for a Technical Plan to be submitted in grant applications. In its place applicants will be required to submit a Data Management Plan. This will be mandatory for all Research Grants, Follow on Funding and Leadership Fellows proposals.
The Data Management Plan focuses more on data storage, data sharing and the methodologies that will be used to create the data. It also asks questions of the ethical and legal considerations of collecting and releasing the data. The AHRC announcement and FAQs are available on their website and further support is available from the University of Cambridge Research Data Management team.