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Research Operations Office


Published on 20 July 2017

Research Grants User Group - Thursday 27th July

The next Research Grants User Group Meeting (RGUG) will be held on Thursday 27th July 2017, 2pm - 3.30pm in the Large Seminar Room, Institute of Public Health, Forvie Site, Addenbrookes. The agenda and venue map is available from the Research Office website.

ERC Synergy Grant Information Session – Wednesday 9th August

The European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant scheme is aimed at groups of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems in any discipline. The nature of the collaboration within an ERC Synergy Group should be a group of distinct PIs, demonstrating the synergies, complementarities and added value that could lead to breakthroughs that would not be achieved by the individual PIs working alone.

The PIs can be at any stage in their career (2+ years from the award of their PhD) and their track records should be measured against the usual criteria for ERC Starting/Consolidator/Advanced grant profiles.  PIs are expected to spend a minimum of 30% of their time on the project. Funding of up to €10M is available for projects up to 6 years and the call deadline is expected to be  14th November 2017. More details about the scheme can be found at

The Research Operations Office is organising an information session on how to apply to the scheme

Wednesday 9th August

9:30am - 12:00pm

Lecture Room 2, Mill Lane Lecture Theatres

To register

The session will include a brief overview of the scheme by Bethan Jones, the ERC Officer for the University of Cambridge, with hints and tips from Dr Andrea Salter, Research Facilitator for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and insights from two of our current Synergy Grant holders, Dr Mary Laven and Professor Deborah Howard who, along with Dr Abigail Brundin, are holders of the Synergy Grant "Domestic Devotions: The Place of Piety in the Renaissance Italian Home".

ERC Starting Grant Information Session – Friday 11th August

The European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant scheme is aimed at academics from any discipline who is between 2 – 7 years from the award date of their PhD (although extensions to this eligibility window are possible under certain circumstances).  Funding of up to €1.5M is available for projects up to 5 years and the call deadline is expected to be  17th October 2017. More details about the scheme can be found at

The Research Operations Office is organising an information session on how to apply to the scheme

Friday 11th August

9:30am - 12:00pm

Postdoc Centre, 16 Mill Lane

The session will include a brief overview of the scheme by Bethan Jones, the ERC Officer for the University of Cambridge, with hints and tips from current grant holders/reviewers as well insights from Dr Andrea Salter, Research Facilitator for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

X5 Questionnaire for Academic and Administrative Staff

The Research Office and UIS would like to ask Academic and Administrative staff about their experience of using X5. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete and asks about any issues you encounter with X5, your suggestions of additional functionality and your views on the training provision. The survey is available until  28th July 2017

As a reminder, here is the training provision offered by the Research Office

If you have any queries please contact

EPSRC New Investigator Awards

On Tuesday 25 July 2017 a New Investigator Award scheme replaced the First Grant initiative. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is introducing the new scheme following a recent review of First Grants. The New Investigator Award scheme will

  • Remove the financial value and the duration caps
  • Encourage a greater degree of university support to aid career development
  • Remove time based eligibility criteria, ensuring support for researchers who are new to leading research applications
  • Encourage panels to recommend invited resubmission and give feedback to support this more often than they would for standard grant applications

Further details are available on their website


EPSRC workshop for Early Career Researchers in October 2017

EPSRC are organising two workshops to communicate recent and upcoming policy changes such as the New Investigator Awards. The aims of the workshops are to

  • To develop early career researchers understanding of EPSRC, including strategic priorities and funding mechanisms
  • To develop relationships with Early Career researchers who will become future advocates for EPSRC

The workshops will take place in Bristol on 5th October and Manchester on 17th October and those wishing to attend should complete the Expression of Interest (EoI) form by Friday 18th August.