Published on 9 June 2017
New Costing Sub Type on X5
X5 has a new option under the Costing tab called “Costing sub type”. At the project Wizard setup stage you will now have the option to select a “Costing sub type”, either “Contract Required” or “Tender”. This is not a mandatory field and if the field is left blank it will be considered a standard application. If you have forgotten to add the ”Costing sub type” in at the beginning of your project, you can still select it on the Project Setup screen. This information will also appear in the workflow email.
The purpose of this new function is to easily identify which X5 costings require a contract or tender. The “How to” guide for creating a project using the Project Wizard has been updated to reflect the above changes
Horizon 2020 Draft Work Programmes for 2018 - 2020
The Horizon 2020 Work Programmes for 2018 - 2020 are due to be published in October 2017. In the meantime the UK Research Office have provided draft Work Programmes which are available on the ROO website. We will update the work programmes as more become available including the final published versions. Please note these current drafts are subject to change and are released on a confidential basis for UKRO subscribers so must not be circulated outside of the University.
Demystyfing H2020 Audits - presentation available
The presentation from the "Demystyfing H2020 Audits" session is now available on the Research Operations Office website.