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Research Operations Office


Published on 16 February 2017

Researchfish Submission Period 6 Feb - 16 March 2017

The annual submission period on Researchfish is 6 February 2017 to 4pm on 16 March 2017. As we approach the halfway point, award holders of grants from RCUK, BHF, CRUK, NIHR & NC3Rs are advised to allow plenty of time to log on to your researchfish account, update your outputs, answer any additional questions that your funder may have and submit your return. Further details are available on the ROO website.


MRF/SRF Rates for 2017

Please be advised that X5 has been updated with the new MRF/SRF rates for 2017 as of 1st February 2017. Users of X5 will need to update their costings (go to the Rates Tab / Facilities Rates File / select the new date and save).  

Also please be aware that

  • the funder budget heading amounts in the Facilities tab have been removed and will need to be re-entered

  • facilities using ‘Variable rates’ have defaulted to 0.01. You will need to change this figure back to your previously agreed rate

  • facilities that are no longer available should be replaced by a new or similar facility. 

If you have any queries related to the updates, please contact your Research Support Advisor at the Research Operations Office.

Workshop: Roles and Risks in Research Grant Applications – 8th March 2017

Following feedback from a recent RGUG meeting (Research Grants User Group), the Research Operations Office is organising a workshop about the role of ROO and Departments. This will be presented in the context of assessing risk in research grant applications and will include discussion and group work. There are 20 spaces available to Departmental research grants staff.

Wednesday 8th March 2017

9:30am – 11am

Cairo Meeting Room, Greenwich House, Madingley Rise, Cambridge

To book please contact


Journal Subscriptions Meeting about the RSC - 22nd February 2017

The University's current subscription deal with the RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) expired at the end of 2016. Various deals are on offer from the publisher through JISC and a decision needs to be made on which deal (if any) to agree. There will be a discussion meeting to explore issues surrounding journal subscriptions by the University.

  • What are the principles that should be used to decide whether to start or to renew journal subscriptions? 

  • How should we balance payment for subscriptions, for open access papers and for hybrid journals?

  • How should learned societies distinguish themselves from commercial publishers?

Discussions at the meeting will inform the Physical Sciences Consultative Committee, which will make a recommendation on the renewal. 

Wednesday 22nd February 2017

2:15pm – 3:15pm

Unilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry,Lensfield Road, Cambridge

Book your place here

If you have any queries, please e-mail

RGUG - Tuesday 28th March 2017

The next RGUG (Research Grants User Group) meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th March 2017 in Room 7, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms. Please note the new time of 10am instead of 10:30am to allow attendees to go to the University administrative staff meeting if they wish at 11:30am in Lecture Room 3, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms.

UIS Data Storage

The University Information Services (UIS) has been developing three new, large-scale, enterprise grade storage services to meet the need for mass data storage across the University. These are

Designed specifically to meet the needs of researchers, the new services are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, are hosted in University-owned data centres in Cambridge and are connected to the University network. UIS also provides technical support for the services.

For further details about these services, including licence information, prices, quotes and detailed descriptions, visit