Published on 18 September 2015
EPSRC Random Checks on Publications for Research Data Accessibility
Relevant to all EPSRC-funded researchers and research students.
The EPSRC are conducting random checks on publications to underpin research data. We have been informed some researchers at the University of Cambridge have already been approached by their team.
The EPSRC requires the following:
Every publication which acknowledges EPSRC funding, has a statement on data accessibility
Research data is shared via a repository, with the use of a persistent URL
Data is stored for at least 10 years from the last access
The University of Cambridge has developed dedicated resources to help researchers meet EPSRC data sharing expectations:
Step by step guidance on EPSRC requirements:
Sample statements on data availability for publications:
Easy to use data repository:
Series of training information and events on data management:
If you need any further guidance on EPSRC policy, please email the Open Data Team
Export Control and Intrusion Software Tools
The UK’s Export Control Organisation (ECO), which oversees the implementation of UK Export Control Law, occasionally publishes guidance documents relating to specific export control issues.
The ECO has recently published guidance on how Export Control Law applies to Intrusion Software Tools. This guidance is available here:
For further guidance on Export Control Law and how to seek advice, please see the Research Operations Offices’ Export Control Website and the Export Control Guide (particularly pages 38-40). If you have any questions regarding Export Control, please contact Lisa Wears ( and Rhys Morgan (
A Panel Discussion on Open Data – Moving Science Forward Or A Waste Of Time and Money?
Date: Wednesday 4th November 2015
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 0, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street.
Have you heard about new funders’ requirements for sharing research data? Will Open Science and sharing research data benefit society, and help move science forward? Or is Open Data a waste of time and money?
Come to the Open Data panel discussion and take part in a conversation led by:
Rafael Carazo-Salas - Group Leader, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
Sarah Jones - Senior Institutional Support Officer from the Digital Curation Centre
Frances Rawle, - Head of Corporate Governance and Policy, Medical Research Council
Tim Smith - Group Leader, Collaboration and Information Services, CERN/Zenodo
Mark Thorley Research Councils UK Open Access Policy, and Natural Environment Research Council
7.00 – 7.25 pm: Registration
7.30 – 8.00 pm: Introduction from the panellists
8.00 – 9.15 pm: Panel discussion: - An opportunity for the audience to ask questions directly to the panel of experts.
9.15 -10 pm: Networking session, accompanied by drinks and light refreshments.
If you have any queries please contact the Open Data Team
Tel: (Mon-Fri) 01223 333138; (Tue-Thu) 01223 761652; Email:
Eligibility of UCF (University Composition Fee) on Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN, IAAP Grants
The Commission has confirmed the new UCF (University Composition Fee) is an eligible cost for Early Stage Researchers under all MSC ITN and IAPP grants. With immediate effect UCF invoices can be charged to all active grants, FP7 and Horizon 2020. The fees should be charged whenever possible at the reduced staff rate and be claimed under ‘Research, Training and Networking Costs’. For all other EC actions tuition fee remains an ineligible cost, except when training can be deemed to be the main objective of the project.
Streamlining of EC Reporting – stricter rules affecting Financial and Scientific Reporting
In order to shorten the time needed for the approval of periodic reports and transfer of the EU contribution to FP7 and Horizon 2020 consortia, the European Commission has streamlined its approach to the reporting process. The new approach, named ‘Single Submission & Single Rejection of Periodic Reports’, will apply to reporting periods ending from 30/06/2015 (report due date 29/08/2015).
Under the new approach, Coordinators will submit all elements of the periodic reports (Scientific Report, Financial Report, and if needed Certificates on Financial Statements - CFS) from all partners of the consortium as a single package. If one single element of the report is missing from a partner, their reporting will be deemed as void for that period, all costs will have to be resubmitted in the next reporting period.
Further information can be found here Please disseminate this information to all administrative staff and academics involved in European Funding.
RGUG - Tuesday 22nd September 2015
The Research Grants User Group (RGUG) is a forum led by the Research Operations Office where research grant administration issues and developments are discussed. The next RGUG meeting will take place on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 at 9.30am in Mill Lane Lecture Theatre Room 1 and is open to anyone who is involved in grants administration.
The agenda for Tuesday's meeting, as well as minutes and presentations from the previous meeting are available on the ROO website