Published on 20 February 2015
ERC Advanced Grant information session – Thursday 26 February 2015
The European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant scheme is aimed at senior academics from any discipline and is judged on excellence of both the applicant and the project. Funding of up to €2.5M is available for projects up to 5 years and the call deadline is expected to be 2 June 2015.
The Research Operations Office is organising an information session on how to apply to the scheme:
- Thursday 26 February
- 2:30pm – 4:00pm
- Room 1, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms
The session will include a brief overview of the scheme by Bethan Jones, the ERC Officer at ROO. This will be followed by a presentation from Professor John Pyle who currently holds an ERC Advanced Grant and has been a member of ERC review panels. There will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
If you are interested in attending the session, please register your interest by emailing
UKRO visit - Monday 16 March 2015
Emma Carey, European Advisor for the UK Research Office (UKRO) Brussels will be visiting Cambridge and giving two presentations on Monday 16 March 2015 in Mill Lane Lecture Room 1. There will be two sessions as follows:
Session 1: Horizon 2020 (9:30am - 11:30am)
This session will cover opportunities throughout Horizon 2020, explaining the types of funding available under each of the three programmes: ‘Excellent Science’, ‘Industrial Leadership’ and ‘Societal Challenges. It will also provide some feedback on the first set of calls and lessons learned, and give some tips on putting together a proposal for European Funding.
Session 2: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) (2pm - 4pm)
This session will look at the three main strands of funding available under the MSCA: support for Innovative Training Networks at doctoral level, Individual Fellowships for post-doc researchers and funding for international and intersectoral co-operation within the RISE scheme. It will give an overview of the funding available, as well as some advice on how to approach writing a proposal in one of these schemes.
The presentations will be of interest to anyone who intends to apply for Horizon 2020 funding, administrators, as well as those that are new to EU funding and would just like to learn the basics.
There is no need to register, however if you have any queries, please contact
Support for preparation of large cross-School research funding bids
A University Fund under the stewardship of the Research Policy Committee is available to consider requests for resources to enable the preparation of large cross-School research funding bids. The support offered by the Fund is flexible according to the needs of individual proposals but the kinds of activity that may be funded include:
- Expenses related to convening collaborators, holding workshops and creating bid materials
- Short-term support for bid facilitation, consultancy fees, project management or administration
- Website creation or development
Requests may be submitted at any time and a response will normally be given within two weeks. Further information and an application form may be found at: