Published on 6 February 2015
ERC Advanced Grant information session – Thursday 26 February 2015
The European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant scheme is aimed at senior academics from any discipline and is judged on excellence of both the applicant and the project. Funding of up to €2.5M is available for projects up to 5 years and the call deadline is expected to be 2 June 2015.
The Research Operations Office is organising an information session on how to apply to the scheme:
- Thursday 26 February
- 2:30pm – 4:00pm
- Room 1, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms
The session will include a brief overview of the scheme by Bethan Jones, the ERC Officer at ROO. This will be followed by a presentation from Professor John Pyle who currently holds an ERC Advanced Grant and has been a member of ERC review panels. There will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
If you are interested in attending the session, please register your interest by emailing
Expenditure Review on Research Grants
Further to recent internal and funder audits we would like to remind departments of the month end procedures in relation to grants. These can be found in sections 5.7 - 5.9 of Chapter 19 of the financial procedures.
In addition the Research Operations Office does offer guidance on good practice based on recommendations by major sponsors of what is expected regarding monitoring of funds.
Departments may wish to consider reviewing their procedures and guidance to ensure compliance.
X5 Common Values and Funder Form
To check what equipment, external partners, facilities, funders or salary scales are already in X5, go to the common values list which can be found here. The New Funder Form is also available on the ROO website.