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Research Operations Office


Published on 23 January 2015

Twinning Call Presentation – Thursday 29 January 2015

Twinning: €1 million for 3 years for networking between researchers in any discipline, three partners required. Deadline: 7 May 2015

The European Commission has launched the “Call for Twinning” within the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation strand of Horizon 2020, which aims to increase the participation rate of low performing countries through a series of initiatives. The Twinning Call will address the networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the low performing member state (EU13) and their internationally leading counterparts (EU15). The call deadline is 7 May 2015. Budget for the 2015 call will be €64M and will fund projects of up to €1M for a maximum duration of 3 years.

The Research Office and International Strategy Office will be hosting an event to present the Twinning call and proposal process.  There will also be an opportunity to discuss individual projects at the end of the session but please state this when booking a place.

Date: Thursday 29 January 2015

Time: 10:30am – 11:30am

Venue: Mill Lane Lecture Room 5

Audience: All researchers considering applying for the Twinning Call or those who would just like to find out more

To book a place: E-mail

X5 Training

The Research Operations Office are offering X5 training and would like to invite departmental staff who are required to generate costings for their departments to attend one of these events. The content will include; using the Project Wizard to generate a costing, adding staff and non-staff costs, the differences between copying to a draft or new record, printing reports and other essential knowledge required to produce an accurate costing.

Venue: All training will be held at 17 Mill Lane – UIS Computer Room

Time: 09h30 to 13h00

Dates: Monday 9 February 2015 – fully booked

Wednesday 18 February 2015 – fully booked

Monday 9 March 2015 – fully booked

Wednesday 18 March 2015 – fully booked

Monday 13 April 2015

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Monday 11 May 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Delegates: 9 available places for each session

Prerequisite: Must have attended a Full Economic Costing (fEC) / Income Allocation Policy (IAP) Seminar during the last 3 years. Next fEC/IAP seminar is 24 March 2015, 9.30-11am in 16 Mill Lane.

To book a place at one of the X5 sessions or if you have any queries, please email with “X5 Training Session” in the subject heading of your email.

To book a place at one of the fEC / IAP seminars, please e-mail with “fEC & IAP Seminar” in the subject heading of your email.

Places will be allocated on a first come – first served basis.