Published on 10 November 2010
Research Grants Users Group (RGUG) Meeting – 30 Nov 2010
The next meeting of the RGUG will take place on Tuesday 30 November at 9:30am and will be held in Lecture Theatre 2, Clinical School, Addenbrookes Site. The RGUG is led by the Research Office and is a forum where research grant administration issues and developments are discussed. Further details can be found on the Research Office website
Wellcome Trust Investigator Awards - reminder of deadlines
The deadline for the new Wellcome Trust Investigator awards scheme is on Monday 22 November 2010, however as the process for these applications represent a significant shift in focus of the Trust, the applications along with the signed Letter of Commitment should be received by the Research Office as soon as possible and absolutely no later than Monday 15 November. Therefore, we ask that you advise us as soon as the application has been passed for Head of Department approval so that we can begin to review them.
Applicants should ensure that their Letter of Commitment from the Host Institution contains the details set out in the Wellcome Trust guidelines
Further advice and information on the above can be found on the Research Office website or contact your School Team at the Research Office
Cancer Research UK- Electronic Grants Management System (eGMS)
Cancer Research UK has launched a new applications and grants management system (eGMS) which replaces the current Application Management System (AMS). The new system allows grantees and host institution administrators to manage their grants and post award tasks including Grant Activation Forms (GAF) and Reconciliations.
With immediate effect all post-award procedures are to be undertaken using eGMS. All applications for funding schemes with a deadline of 2011 onwards are to be submitted via eGMS. For funding schemes with a deadline in 2010 please refer to the individual scheme for details on how to apply.
To use eGMS, you have to be registered on the system. Users of the previous system AMS can use the same login and password on eGMS. New users of eGMS can select the “register here” button. If you are not sure if you are registered, select the “forgotten password?” and enter your e-mail as your login ID, if you are already registered, you will be sent an e-mail containing a password.
More information can be found at the Cancer Research UK eGMS website If you have any questions, please contact the eGMS grants helpline, tel: 0203 469 5452, e-mail or get in touch your School Team at the Research Office