Published on Fri, 06/11/2020 - 14:11
X5 - the costing and pricing tool for research projects is due to be upgraded. Technical issues have now been resolved and the new date for the upgrade is Tuesday 24th November 2020. The upgrade will include improvements to the interface, fixes to known bugs and enable us to remain supported by the supplier. A summary of the changes to expect in X5 can be found on the slides and presentation given at RGUG on 24th September. For the upgrade to happen, there will be a few hours when X5 and other Research Office systems will be unavailable as follows -
System Downtime on Tuesday 24th November 2020 |
X5 |
7am - 1pm |
Research Dashboard |
7am - 1pm |
ROO Portal |
7am – 11am |
If you have any queries, please email