Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23
Following the launch of the new Wellcome Trust schemes and the first round deadline in November 2010, the Research Office would like to update you regarding progress on the current round of applications and information on future submissions.
First round applications are currently going through Stage 3 of the Trust's application process, which is the Scientific Review and Shortlisting phase. This should be near completion and applicants should find out soon whether they will proceed to Stage 4, External Peer Review. If applicants are successful in the shortlisting phase - they have 7 days in which to complete Part 3 of the application form (this contains information on data management, clinical trials and animal experiments). Please note that Part 3 is already available for completion on eGrants.
External Peer Review will be taking place during March and April and successful applicants will then be invited to attend an interview, which is currently scheduled for 10 - 12 May 2011. If successful, the Trust will proceed to Award stage, which will involve the completion of Part 4 (Final Details section of the application) which includes detailed budget information, Ethics and Regulatory Issues, Research Conduct and Conflict of Interest, and IP. At Award stage, the Trust expect to visit the University and hold a meeting with the PI and Research Office to work out the final details of award. The Research Office will be in touch with successful departments to discuss this further in due course.
With respect to the Interview stage, they have strongly advised that applicants consider undergoing a mock interview, paying particular attention to ensuring that they are familiar with recent advances in their field and are prepared to provide a concise summary of their proposed project and research career to date.
We have also been advised by the Trust, that even though they are now accepting applications on a rolling basis, with interviews taking place four times per year and the second round of interviews scheduled for October 2011, that potential applicants will need to submit a full application to the Trust by the first week in April if they wish to be considered in the second round. The subsequent round of interviews will not take place until early 2012.
The Trust also strongly recommend that potential Investigator Award applicants undertake an initial CV Check (via the eGrants system) to obtain advice on their eligibility and suitability. These checks take the Trust 2-3 weeks to process. Applicants who wish their full applications to be considered in the second round will therefore need to have submitted their CV check to the Trust within the next month.
Further information will be presented at the RGUG on Tuesday 1 March 2011. If you have any further questions, please contact your School Team