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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

Open Access Policy: The Wellcome Trust has announced that it will be strengthening the manner in which it enforces its open access policy with immediate effect. Failure to comply with the policy could result in final grant payments being withheld and non-compliant publications being discounted when applying for further funding.

Further information can be found at:

  • When Wellcome Trust funded researchers prepare end of grant reports, the principal investigator's head of department will be required to provide signed assurance that all papers associated with the grant comply with the Trust's policy. If they are unable to do this, the final payment on the grant will be withheld.
  • Wellcome Trust funded researchers will be required to ensure that all publications associated with their Trust-funded research are compliant with the Trust's policy before any renewal or new grant awards will be issued.
  • Non-compliant publications will be discounted as part of a researcher's track record in any renewal of an existing grant or new grant application.

Wellcome Trust eVal
The Wellcome Trust are currently rolling out a new online progress reporting system to some grant-holders (the system has been already made available to all Investigator Award recipients; other grant holders may be contacted an invited to submit reports). The system will allow researchers to report any progress, outputs and impact-related information throughout the life of the award and will replace all other existing paper-based reporting.

  • In developing this system the Wellcome Trust have worked with the MRC and other funders to introduce commonality across the types of progress and outputs-type questions where this makes sense. However, whilst the system carries much of the same functionality as the existing MRC e-Val, it has a different emphasis and question set and is therefore currently a stand-alone system.