Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23
The Trust has published revised standard Grant Conditions for Biomedical Science awards. These can be found at
Summary of main changes:
Section 2:
2(i) Inclusion of a reference to the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, to which the Trust is a signatory.
Section 4:
4(ix) Inclusion of the condition that the Trust will retain 10% of the transferable funds on the grant until the research papers supported by the grant have been confirmed, to be compliant with the Trust’s Open Access (OA) policy.
Section 6:
6(iii) References to ‘UK PubMed Central’ (UKPMC) replaced by ‘Europe PubMed Central’, to reflect the re-branding of UKPMC.
6(viii) Inclusion of the condition that where submission of the End of Grant Report is delayed, further applications for Trust funding from the grantholder will not be accepted until the Report has been received.
9(v) Inclusion of the condition that where the research involves the use of animals, the grantholder must notify us of any significant increase to the number of animals originally funded by the grant.
Any questions or concerns should be directed to have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please contact me, or our Grants Service Desk team on 020 7611 2020 or on