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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

The ERC has issued a statement containing indicative dates for the next ERC calls for proposals in 2014. These dates are liable to change, as negotiations on the forthcoming Horizon 2020 programme are still ongoing. Based on the current state of play the ERC Scientific Council has provided a possible schedule of calls in 2014, on a purely indicative basis.

This is as follows:       

  • Publication of the provisional schedule for the new calls (ERC Work Programme 2014) in late 2013;   
  • Opening and submission deadlines of new ERC calls throughout 2014;
  • Opening and submission deadline for Starting Grants in the first and second quarter of 2014; 
  • Opening and submission deadline for Consolidator Grants in the second quarter of 2014; 
  • Opening and submission deadline for Advanced Grants in the fourth quarter of 2014;
  • No call for Synergy Grants in 2013 or 2014; 
  • Normal schedule for the Proof of Concept scheme (one call with two deadlines in 2014).