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Research Operations Office


Published on Fri, 19/05/2023 - 14:23

UKRI and Wellcome are each introducing new online systems for applying and managing their funding as follows -


Old System

New System


Accounts migrated?


Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S)

The Funding Service (TFS)

Both systems running in parallel until January 2024

Je-S accounts will not be migrated to TFS. You need to register a new account.


Wellcome Grant Tracker

Wellcome Funding Platform

Both systems running in parallel until October 2023

CV information from Grant Tracker accounts will be migrated once you have set up a new account on the funding platform. Active grants will be migrated later in the year.

For UKRI, different Research Councils are releasing different opportunities on TFS so you will need to check if applications are on Je-S or TFS. Further details are available from UKRI’s website and you can also sign up to their newsletter.  

There is a recording from the RGUG meeting on 11th May with information about timescales and screenshots for both UKRI and Wellcome systems.