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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

Following the success of previous sessions, the Research Operations Office is delighted to offer another set of briefing sessions on Full Economic Costing and the Income Allocation Policy for all staff whose role includes research grant administration.

The two sessions will be held as follows:

10am-12noon, Thursday 13 June 2013, Mill Lane Lecture Room 6 (60 places available)

10am-12noon, Friday 14 June 2013, Clinical School Seminar Room 6, (30 places available)

We welcome interest from all staff involved in grant administration.

To register your interest please e-mail Ryan Blackburn ( by Friday 31 May 2013.

Please ensure in your response, that you include your full name, department, role and a contact number.

We will advise you by Wednesday 5 June 2013 if you have been successful in gaining a place. There will be a waiting list, and should a place become available, this will be offered to you.