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Research Operations Office


Published on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 12:23

You will be aware that from September 2014 all Research Councils will use Researchfish to report outcomes and sanctions will be imposed for non-compliance. RCUK have indicated that all seven Research Councils will be open for submission at the same time and that the 2014 collection period will run from 16 October to 13 November (see Bulletin 104 and 110).

Each Department will manage the submission process locally using the new functionality in Researchfish. We expect these features to be available from Monday 29th September and further communication will be issued nearer the time outlining actions that Departments will need to take.

On Monday 20 October Researchfish will be hosting workshops in Cambridge to demonstrate the functionality of their software. There will be separate sessions for PIs/their delegates and Departmental Administrators. The PI session will include a demonstration of how to add outputs, submit data and Q&A. The Administrator session will include a demonstration of how to track submissions, download submitted data and Q&A.

The sessions are scheduled for -

Clinical School Seminar Room 

  • 9am - 10am: PIs
  • 10am – 11am: Administrators 

Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, Room 6

  • 12pm – 1pm: PIs
  • 1pm – 2pm: Administrators 

Hauser Forum, West Cambridge

  • 3pm – 4pm: PIs
  • 4pm – 5pm: Administrators

To register your place, please e-mail indicating which session you would like to attend as spaces are limited.

Further information about RCUK’s Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project can be found here