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Research Operations Office


Published on Thu, 22/10/2015 - 13:35


RELEVANT TO: Academics/ Researchers

RCUK Funding Assurance Programme Audit Presentation

RELEVANT TO: Academics/ Researchers and Administrators

RCUK Funding Assurance Programme Audit Presentation

RELEVANT TO: Administration/ Departmental Administrators only

RCUK Funding Assurance Programme Audit Presentation


RCUK Funding Assurance Programme Audit Presentation

The presentation that was delivered to departments can be found using the following link FAP Presentation


RCUK will conduct a Funding Assurance Programme (FAP) visit from Monday the 23rd to Wednesday the 25th November 2015.

The RCUK Funding Assurance Strategy will test compliance with the terms and conditions across  four “pillars” of assurance:

  1. Research Grants and Fellowships
  2. Doctoral Training funding
  3. Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC)
  4. Non-Financial terms and conditions

Should you have any queries, please contact Sara


Circulated to: Bulletin list, Heads of School, Secretaries of School Councils, Chairs of Faculty Boards, Secretaries of Faculty Boards, Heads of Department, Departmental Administrators, School Finance Managers and Research Operations